Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
Category: <span>FMLM</span>

Grazzi / Thank You! #FMLM2023

Grazzi kbira wisq lill-parteċipanti u lil dawk kollha li ħadmu qatigħ biex il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta jkun dak li hu. / Profound thanks go out to our guests and participants, and all those who worked so hard to make the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival what it was, what it is, and what we want it to keep on being.

Grazzi / Thank You – 2022

Għaddiet kważi ġimgħa, imma seta’ kien seklu jew ilbieraħ… Grazzi mill-qalb! Mingħajrkom is-sbuħija li għexna kienet tibqa’ biss ħolma. / It’s been almost a week. But it could have been ages, or simply yesterday…. Thank you so much! Without you, the beauty we shared with you all would have remained but a dream.

Xtaqt li Kont Merkurju

Inizjamed tniedi ktieb li jiġbor fih 122 poeżija li nqalbu għall-Malti fil-laboratorji ta’ traduzzjoni matul l-ewwel 16-il edizzjoni tal-Festival. / Inizjamed launches book containing 122 poems which were translated into the Maltese during the translation workshops of the Festival’s first sixteen editions.

Creative Writing: Breathing Life Into Ideas – Justine Somerville

It has become customary for Inizjamed to take its annual Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival to audiences who might not attend such an event. In the past the cultural NGO organised successful workshops led by local and foreign writers for children and teenagers around Malta and Gozo with the aim of bringing young minds closer to the wonders of literature and creative writing whilst giving them a taste of the Festival.