Suad Amiry Palestine | Glen Calleja Malta | Selma Dabbagh UK | Marina Espasa Catalonia, Spain | Costanza Ferrini Italy | Claudia Gauci Malta | Ghazi Gheblawi Libya/UK | Golan Haji Syria | Brane Mozetič Slovenia | Kallia Papadaki Greece | Lawrence Schimel Spain | Murad Shubert Morocco/Malta | Suzana Tratnik Slovenia | Yzu Italy
Festival video clips: | |
Isma’ l-intervista awdjo ta’ Adrian Grima ma’ Leli Psaila u ma’ Miguel Buttigieg dwar il-kriżi ekonomika f’Malta
Thur 30, Fri 31 Aug, Sat 1 Sept 2012
Msida Bastion Historic Garden, FLORIANA, 8.00pm (close to the Floriana Central Public Library)
Entrance free
Guest musicians: Brikkuni | Renzo Spiteri
Video clips: Shadeena, with the support of EU Culture programme, Malta Arts Fund, Din l-Art Ħelwa, The British Council, Middlesea Insurance, ŠKUC, Institut Ramon Llull, JAK (Slovenian Book Agency), European Commission Representation in Malta
Festival banner by Pierre Portelli
Msida Bastion Historic Garden, FLORIANA
The writers will also be taking part in the LAF Malta Literary Translation Workshop 2012
Design: Pierre Portelli
Coordination: Adrian Grima, Clare Azzopardi, Claudia Gauci, Nadia Mifsud.
Alexandra Büchler, director of Literature Across Frontiers.
Inizjamed is a registered voluntary non-governmental cultural organization founded in 1998 in Malta that is committed towards the regeneration of culture and artistic expression in the Maltese Islands and actively promotes a greater awareness of the cultures of the Mediterranean. Inizjamed is a secular, non-partisan organization that acknowledges that every generation must seek to create its own language and both respond to realities of its day and look beyond them.
Festival Programme – Msida Bastion Historic Garden, il-Furjana, 8.00pm
Bis-sehem ta’ dawn l-awturi li ttraduċew għadd ta’ xogħlijiet: Clare Azzopardi, Keith Borg, Norbert Bugeja, Priscilla Cassar, Albert Gatt, Simone Inguanez, Caldon Mercieca, Immanuel Mifsud, Nadia Mifsud, u Walid Nabhan.
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Il-Ħamis 30 | Thursday 30 Aug
- Video clips by Shadeena: Dieta kontra l-Kriżi
- Glen Calleja (poetry)
- Suzana Tratnik (prose)
- Ghazi Gheblawi (poetry)
- Lawrence Schimel (poetry)
- Marina Espasa (prose)
- Live music: Brikkuni
Il-Ġimgħa 31 | Friday 31 Aug
- Video clips by Shadeena: Dieta kontra l-Kriżi
- Murad Shubert (poetry)
- Brane Mozetic (poetry)
- Selma Dabbagh (UK)
- Golan Haji (poetry)
- Kallia Papadaki (poetry/prose)
- Anna Zammit interviews Kallia Papadaki, “Whose Crisis?”
- Live music: Brikkuni
Is-Sibt, 1 | Saturday 1 Sept
- Video clips by Shadeena: Dieta kontra l-Kriżi
- Costanza Ferrini (prose)
- Yzu (poetry)
- Claudia Gauci (poetry/prose)
- Suad Amiry (prose)
- Karsten Xuereb interviews Selma Dabbagh and Suad Amiry, “Crisis Fare”
- Live music: Renzo Spiteri
Dieta contro la crisi
Occorre riconoscerlo. Coraggio, diamo un’occhiata a quello che si ha nel piatto, a ciò di cui negli ultimi tempi ci si ingozza. Abbiamo mandato giù a forza bocconi pesanti, tanto e a fatica, ma di necessità, che altri ancora più grandi, ne giungevano di seguito. Il piatto va svuotato, e senza avanzi. Quel piatto ridondante di titoloni in neretto inneggianti a minacciosi, futuri scenari, lustrato ben bene. Una bella, piena, unta scarpetta. Accanto, spremute insalubri di indici, tassi, moniti. C’è crisi, crisi! Chi ne vuole ancora un po’? Su che avanza. Crisi nata, scritta, creata, letta, supportata, ascoltata, gestita, condita. Mangiata.
Cronaca d’indigestione annunciata.
Il mestolo è ricolmo, troppo, va in pezzi.
Sollievo di un’indigestione evitata.
Basta con pietanze di parole imposte mal impastate, al loro posto nuovi ingredienti: versi sapidi, prosa schietta fatta in casa. Poetica di una leggerezza trovata, d’una fresca vivanda mediterranea pescata, ispirata, inspirata. Per essenziali traslate leggerezze servite su carta.
E non perché la pesantezza, ricordava Calvino, non abbia le sue ragioni; solo, sulla leggerezza, continuava, si hanno più cose da dire.
E da tradurre. E da lasciare all’ascolto. Nell’impalpabile aria salina di una notte d’estate.
Virginia Monteforte
Dieta kontra l-kriżi
Nammettuha. Kuraġġ, inħarsu lejn dak li għandna fil-platt, lejn dak li llum qed nibilgħu. Kellna nieklu bla nifs u nibilgħu ikel tqil li baqagħlna fuq l-istonku, imma hekk kien hemm bżonn, għax warajh kien hemm iktar x’nibilgħu, ikbar u itqal minn ta’ qablu. Trid tiekol kollox, u ma tħalli xejn. Naddfu sew dak il-platt imburġat b’titli suwed u kbar li jħabbru kriżijiet bla tmiem, xenarji tal-biża’. Laqqtu sew. Maġenbu l-meraq morr tal-indiċi, l-interessi, it-twissijiet. Għandna kriżi, kriżi! Min irid naqra oħra? Isa, fadal. Kriżi mitwielda, miktuba, maħluqa, moqrija, mgħejjuna, mismugħa, immexxija, imħawra. Nikluha. Kronaka ta’ indiġestjoni mħabbra.
L-imgħarfa tal-injam mimlija żżejjed, tinqasam.
Is-serħan ta’ indiġestjoni evitata.
Daqshekk ikliet bi kliem impost maħdum ħażin; ejja minflok nagħmlu ftit ingredjenti ġodda: versi b’togħma tajba, proża skjetta magħmula d-dar. Poetika ta’ ħeffa ġdida, ta’ ikla friska Mediterranja, il-qabda tal-ġurnata, ispirata, nifs ’il ġewwa. Għal ħwejjeġ essenzjali u ħfief, tradotti li sservihom fuq karta.
U mhux għax il-piż, kif kien jgħid Calvino, ma jimpurtax; imma sempliċiment għax fuq il-ħeffa għandna ħafna xi ngħidu. U x’nittraduċu. U x’nisimgħu. Fl-arja ħarrieba, mielħa, ta’ lejla sajfija.
Virginia Monteforte
Crisis Fare
Time to face facts. Come on, let’s take a look at what’s on our plate, at what we’ve been stuffing ourselves with these days.
Like it or not, we’ve had to swallow heavy mouthfuls in large quantities, as much out of a sense of necessity as resignation, for there was always more to swallow, in ever larger quantities. The plate must be emptied and not a scrap left over.
It must be polished to a sparkle, that plate overflowing with big, bold headlines that presage frightening futures. Lick the plate clean. Next up: the bitter juice of indices, rates, warnings. It’s a crisis, a crisis! Who’s up for seconds? Come on, there’s plenty left. A crisis born, written, created, read, supported, listened to, managed, dressed. Consumed. Chronicle of an indigestion foretold.
The ladle, overfull, finally breaks.
Relief of an indigestion avoided.
Enough of this fare, these badly blended words, imposed. Let’s have some new ingredients instead: tasty verses, homemade prose that pulls no punches. Poetics of a newly discovered lightness, fresh mediterranean fare, catch of the day, inspired, inhaled. Essential lightness in translation, served on paper.
It’s not because, as Calvino noted, heaviness has nothing to it; it’s just that there’s much more on lightness to be said. To be translated. Listened to. In the rarefied, salty air of a summer night.
Virginia Monteforte
Crisis Fare and Literature
30-31 August, 1 September, Msida Bastion Historic Garden, Floriana, 8.00pm
Fourteen writers from eight Mediterranean countries and Maltese musicians Brikkuni and Renzo Spiteri will perform at the seventh annual Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival on Thursday 30th and Friday 31st August and Saturday 1st September, 2012, at the Msida Bastion Historic Garden in Floriana, between the Ospizio and the Floriana Central Public Library.
The Languages of Literature
Readings, which are meant for a mature audience, start at 8.00pm and entrance is free. Drinks and freshly cooked food made from both locally grown and fair traded products will be on sale during the festival. There will also be a well-stocked book stand selling Maltese literature and works by this year’s guest writers.
The short stories and poems will be read mainly in Maltese and English, but also in the native languages of the various writers. The interviews will be in English. Some of the best-known names from the new generation of Maltese writers, from Clare Azzopardi to Immanuel Mifsud, will all also be on stage to read their translations of the works by the foreign writers.
This year’s edition will focus on the economic crisis in Europe and the theme is “Dieta kontra l-Kriżi” or “Crisis Fare,” but the festival will also continue to follow developments in Mediterranean countries, most notably Syria, Morocco, Libya, and the Occupied Palestinian territories. The Festival will present an exciting array of unique voices, literary genres and languages, music by Brikkuni (on Thursday and Friday) and Renzo Spiteri (on Saturday), and short video clips about the festival and the socio-economic crisis by the young director Martin Bonniċi.
Fourteen Writers, Three Nights
The writers reading on Thursday 30th August are the innovative Maltese poet and performer Glen Calleja; the Slovenian award-winning prose writer and translator Suzana Tratnik; the Libyan author, blogger, activist and medical doctor Ghazi Gheblawi; the Spanish, US-born poet Lawrence Schimel, who has published over 100 books as author or anthologist in many different genres; and Catalan novelist Marina Espasa, who is also a philologist, screenwriter, cultural journalist and translator.
Friday 31st August will feature the intense poetry of the Moroccan poet Murad Shubert, translated into Maltese by Walid Nabhan; the poetry of the Slovenian poet, novelist, translator and editor Brane Mozetič, who was awarded the City of Ljubljana Poetry Prize and the European Poetry Prize-Falgwe; the British Palestinian writer of fiction based in London, Selma Dabbagh, whose first novel, Out of It, was published by Bloomsbury in December 2011 to widespread acclaim; well-known Syrian poet and translator with a postgraduate degree in pathology, Golan Haji; and the award-winning Greek poet and prose writer Kallia Papadaki, a professional screen writer of feature-length films, who will also be interviewed by sociologist Anna Zammit about her work and the economic crisis. Kallia Papadaki studied economics in the United States at Bard College and Brandeis University.
The writers performing on Saturday 1st September are the Italian prose writer, editor and expert on literature in the Mediterranean, Costanza Ferrini; the late Italian poet and cultural activist Yzu, whose work will be read by Federica Riviello; the Maltese poet and prose writer Claudia Gauci, whose first collection of poetry will be published in October; and the well-known Palestinian writer Suad Amiry, who will perform her work and take part in a discussion with Selma Dabbagh by Karsten Xuereb.
Suad Amiry has been living in Ramallah since 1981 and is the author, amongst others, of two hugely successful autobiographical accounts. Sharon and My Mother-in-Law (Granta, UK, 2005) was shortlisted for the Lettre Ulysses Award for Reportage and awarded the prestigious 2004 Viareggio Prize, and has been translated into 17 languages. Her most recent book Nothing to Lose But Your Life: An 18-Hour Journey With Murad, an exciting account of a grueling journey but also a lamentation for lost land and for simpler, more peaceful times was published by Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation in 2010.
Festival and Workshop
As in previous years, the Festival coincides with the seventh annual Malta LAF Literary Translation Workshop, led by Inizjamed within the context of Literature Across Frontiers, during which the participating writers translate each other’s works.
The Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival is organised by Inizjamed and Literature Across Frontiers and supported by the EU Culture programme, Malta Arts Fund, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Middlesea Insurance plc, The British Council, ŠKUC, JAK (Slovenian Book Agency), Institut Ramon Llull, and the European Commission Representation in Malta.
More information about the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival, Inizjamed and Literature Across Frontiers is available at
Adrian Grima, Coordinator, Inizjamed
Kriżi Ekonomika u Dieta Mediterranja
30-31 ta’ Awwissu, 1 ta’ Settembru
Msida Bastion Historic Garden, il-Furjana, 8.00pm
Erbatax-il awtur u awtriċi minn tmien pajjiżi Mediterranji se jieħdu sehem, flimkien mal-Brikkuni u Renzo Spiteri, fis-seba’ edizzjoni tal-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta nhar il-Ħamis 30 u l-Ġimgħa 31 ta’ Awwissu u s-Sibt l-1 ta’ Settembru, 2012.
Il-lejliet se jsiru l-Furjana, fil-ġnien magħruf bħala Msida Bastion Historic Garden, bejn l-Ospizio u l-Librerija Ċentrali Pubblika tal-Furjana u jibdew fit-8.00pm. Il-qari huwa maħsub għal udjenza matura u d-dħul huwa b’xejn.
L-Ilsna tal-Letteratura
Matul il-festival il-Grupp għat-Tielet Dinjija se jkun qed ibigħ xorb u ikel imsajjar magħmul minn prodotti lokali, fosthom prodotti organiċi, u minn prodotti tal-kummerċ ġust tal-ħanut L-Arka. Id-dħul se jmur għall-proġetti soċjali ta’ dan il-grupp f’Malta. Se jkun hemm ukoll mejda b’għadd kbir ta’ kotba tal-letteratura Maltija u xogħlijiet tal-awturi barranin mistednin għall-Festival.
L-istejjer u l-poeżiji se jinqraw primarjament bil-Malti u l-Ingliż, iżda se jintużaw ukoll il-lingwi oriġinali l-oħrajn tal-awturi mistiedna. L-intervisti se jkunu bl-Ingliż. Uħud mill-iktar awturi Maltin magħrufin tal-ġenerazzjoni l-ġdida, bħal Clare Azzopardi u Immanuel Mifsud, se jaqraw it-traduzzjonijiet tagħhom tax-xogħlijiet tal-awturi barranin.
L-edizzjoni ta’ din is-sena se tiffoka fuq il-kriżi ekonomika u soċjali fl-Ewropa u t-tema, b’riferiment għad-“dieta Mediterranja,” hija “Dieta kontra l-Kriżi.” Iżda l-festival se jkompli wkoll isegwi l-ġrajjiet drammatiċi li qed iseħħu fil-Mediterran, speċjalment fis-Sirja, il-Marokk, il-Libja, u l-Palestina. Il-Festival se jippreżenta firxa straordinarja ta’ ilħna uniċi, ġeneri u lingwi letterarji, mużika tal-Brikkuni (il-Ħamis u l-Ġimgħa) u Renzo Spiteri (is-Sibt), u video clips dwar il-festival u l-kriżi soċjali u ekonomika maħdumin mid-direttur żagħżugħ Martin Bonniċi.
Lejliet Tlieta, Kittieba Erbatax
L-awturi li se jaqraw il-Ħamis 30 ta’ Awwissu huma l-poeta innovattiv u attur Glen Calleja; l-awtriċi u t-traduttriċi Slovena Suzana Tratnik, rebbieħa ta’ għadd ta’ premjijiet; l-awtur, blogger, attivist u tabib Libjan Ghazi Gheblawi; il-poeta Spanjol-Amerikan Lawrence Schimel, li ppubblika mal-mitt ktieb bħala awtur jew antoloġista f’ġeneri differenti; u r-rumanziera Katalana minn Barċellona Marina Espasa, li hija wkoll filologa, kittieba għall-films, ġurnalista kulturali u traduttriċi.
Il-protagonisti tal-lejla tal-Ġimgħa 31 ta’ Awwissu se jkunu l-poeta Marokkin Murad Shubert, bil-poeżija intensa tiegħu tradotta għall-Malti minn Walid Nabhan; il-poeta, rumanzier, traduttur u editur Sloven Brane Mozetič, li rebaħ il-Premju tal-Poeżija tal-Belt ta’ Ljubljana u l-Premju Ewropew tal-Poeżija Falgwe; ir-rumanziera Brittanika Palestinjana li tgħix Londra, Selma Dabbagh, li l-ewwel rumanz tagħha Out of It, ippubblikat minn Bloomsbury f’Diċembru tal-2011 intlaqa’ tajjeb ħafna mill-pubbliku u mill-kritika; il-poeta u traduttur magħruf Sirjan, Golan Haji, li speċjalizza wkoll fil-patoloġija; u l-awtriċi Griega rebbieħa ta’ għadd ta’ premjijiet Kallia Papadaki. Din l-awtriċi, li hija wkoll kittieba professjonali tal-iskripts għall-films u studjat l-ekonomija f’Bard College u Brandeis University fl-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika, se tiġi intervistata mis-soċjologa Anna Zammit dwar ix-xogħol tagħha u dwar il-kriżi ekonomika fil-Greċja u lil hinn.
L-ewwel kittieba mistiedna tal-lejla tas-Sibt l-1 ta’ Settembru se tkun Costanza Ferrini, esperta tal-letteratura fil-Mediterran u attivista kulturali. Se jinqara wkoll ix-xogħol tal-poeta Taljan Yzu, li miet fl-2011. Imbagħad se taqra l-awtriċi Claudia Gauci, li l-ewwel ġabra ta’ poeżiji suġġestivi tagħha se toħroġ fix-xhur li ġejjin, u warajha se titla’ fuq il-palk tal-Festival l-awtriċi magħrufa Palestinjana minn Ramallaħ, Suad Amiry, li se tirrakkonta l-istejjer bl-istil inimitabbli tagħha u wara tieħu sehem f’diskussjoni ma’ Selma Dabbagh immexxija minn Karsten Xuereb.
Suad Amiry ilha tgħix Ramallaħ mill-1981 u kitbet, fost l-oħrajn, żewġ rakkonti awtobijografiċi li għamlu suċċess kbir. Sharon and My Mother-in-Law: Ramallah Diaries (Granta, UK, 2005) kien nominat għal-Lettre Ulysses Award for Reportage u rebaħ il-Premju prestiġjuż ta’ Viareggio fl-2004, u nqaleb fi 17-il lingwa. L-aktar rakkont riċenti tagħha huwa l-ktieb Nothing to Lose But Your Life: An 18-Hour Journey With Murad, li jirrakkonta vjaġġ klandestin u perikoluż lejn l-Iżrael li għamlet ma’ ħaddiema Palestinjani fl-Artijiet Okkupati. Dan il-ktieb ġie ppubblikat mill-Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation fl-2010.
Festival u Traduzzjoni Letterarja
Bħal fis-sitt edizzjonijiet l-oħrajn, mal-Festival isir ukoll workshop tal-LAF tat-traduzzjoni letterarja li fih l-awturi jittraduċu x-xogħlijiet ta’ xulxin.
Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta huwa organizzat minn Inizjamed u Literature Across Frontiers bl-appoġġ tal-programm Kultura tal-UE, il-Malta Arts Fund, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Middlesea Insurance plc, The British Council, ŠKUC, JAK (l-Aġenzija Slovena tal-Kotba), Institut Ramon Llull, u r-Rappreżentazzjoni Kummissjoni Ewropea f’Malta.
Hemm aktar tagħrif fuq il-Festival, fuq Inizjamed u Literature Across Frontiers fuq
Adrian Grima
Koordinatur, Inizjamed
Literature Across Frontiers is a programme of initiatives aiming to advance European cultural exchange in the field of literature and translation through multilateral cooperation within a network of partner organisations on activities encompassing research and analysis, publication, translator training and skills development, joint participation in international book fairs, literature festivals and other forums, organisation of larger-scale projects, as well as conferences, seminars and workshops. The programme aims to:
advance intercultural dialogue through literature and translation within the EU and with third countries, and in particular with EU neighbours in the Mediterranean region;
improve access to lesser-known literatures, particularly those written in less widely-used languages of Europe and underrepresented in the international arena;
encourage greater diversity in international literary events and in the publishing of literature for all age groups;
develop innovative approaches to literary creation, promotion, support for translation and training of literary translators working in less widely-used languages;
act as a catalyst for new multilateral contacts, collaborations and innovative projects bringing literature into interaction with other art-forms and exploring the social and political role of writing;
stimulate debate on relevant policy and financing at national and European level;
create opportunities for the exchange of ideas, transfer of skills and knowledge, and sharing of experiences and resources amongst organisations and institutions active in this field.
The Writers
SUAD AMIRY is a Palestinian writer and architect who has been living in Ramallah since 1981.
Born in Damascus, Amiry grew up between Amman, Damascus, Beirut and Cairo. She studied architecture at the American University of Beirut, Michigan, US, and in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Amiry is author of the well-known book Sharon and My Mother-in-Law (Granta, UK, 2005), which was shortlisted for the Lettre Ulysses Award for Reportage, has been translated into 17 languages and was awarded the prestigious 2004 Viareggio Prize.
Suad Amiry is the founder and Director of the Riwaq: Centre for Architectural Conservation. Amiry is the vice-president of the Board of Trustees of Birzeit University.
Her book Menopausal Palestine: Women at the Edge was published in India by Women Unlimited (2010) Her latest book Nothing to Lose But Your Life: An 18-Hour Journey With Murad (English) was been published by Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation in April 2010. It is an exciting account of a grueling journey but also a lamentation for lost land and for simpler, more peaceful times.
Amiry lives in Ramallah with her husband, the academic and political activist Salim Tamari.
SUAD AMIRY hija kittieba Palestinjana u perit li ilha tgħix Ramallah mill-1981. Twieldet ġewwa Damasku u qattgħet tfulitha f’Amman, Damasku, Bejrut u l-Kajr. Studjat l-arkitettura fl-American University of Beirut, f’Michigan, l-Istati Uniti, kif ukoll f’Edinburgh, l-Iskozja.
Amiry kitbet il-ktieb magħruf Sharon and My Mother-inLaw (Granta, UK, 2005), li kien innominat għal-Lettre Ulysses Award for Reportage, rebaħ il-premju prestiġġjuż ta’ Viareggio, u ġie tradott fi 17-il lingwa.
Suad Amiry hija fundatriċi u direttriċi ta’ Riwaq: Centre for Architectural Conservation. Hija wkoll il-viċi-president tal-bord amministrattiv tal-Università ta’ Birzeit. Il-ktieb tagħha Menopausal Palestine: Women at the Edge, ġie ppubblikat l-Indja minn Women Unlimited (2010). L-aħħar ktieb tagħha, Nothing to Lose But Your Life: An 18-Hour Journey With Murad ġie ppubblikat minn Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation f’April tal-2010. Il-ktieb huwa rakkont ta’ vjaġġ diffiċli, iżda wkoll lamentazzjoni għall-art mitlufa u għal imgħoddi iżjed sempliċi u paċifiku.
Amiry tgħix Ramallah ma żewġha, l-akkademiku u attivista politiku Salim Tamari.
BRIKKUNI is an uncompromising contemporary Maltese pop band that treads a fine line between art and kitsch.
They have been active for the past five years and have 2 releases under their belt. Their first, Kuntrabanda has already worked its way toward cult status.
Their latest release, Trabokk, was launched last February and went some way in cementing the band’s reputation as, possibly, the only local act capable of pulling a sizable crowd whilst staying true to it’s independent roots and no holds barred attitude.
BRIKKUNI huwa grupp pop Malti mingħajr kompromessi, li xogħlu jinsab fuq ix-xifer dejjaq ta’ bejn l-arti u l-kitsch.
Ilhom attivi għal dawn l-aħħar ħames snin, u diġà ħarġu żewġ albums. L-ewwel wieħed, Kuntrabanda għoddu sar fenomenu ta’ kult.
L-aħħar xogħol tagħhom, Trabokk, tnieda fi Frar li għadda u kompla jsaħħaħ ir-reputazzjoni tal-banda bħala forsi l-unika waħda li, lokalment, taf tiġbed folla ġmielha mingħajr ma tabbanduna l-għeruq indipendenti tagħha u attitudni mingħajr kompromessi.
GLEN CALLEJA is a poet, storyteller and theatre performer from Malta. Calleja writes mainly in Maltese, his mother tongue, but has also published poetry, essays and short stories in English, Malta’s official language.
Calleja’s writing often explores issues relating to the passage from boyhood to manhood and the politics and perceptions of masculinity. In his poetry, he regularly recycles from his earlier writings re-proposing them in new forms. Calleja is a psychology and philosophy graduate with a second degree in Near Eastern Studies.
Glen has a number of years experience in journalism, scriptwriting and PR. He is also co-founder of AWL, an independent group working on poetry with an interdisciplinary approach and has led theatre formation workshops in Malta, Greece and Italy. Calleja also led TKEĊNIR: kitchen work (2010-2011) and the storytelling and book art project The Depot of Living Things (2009). Calleja’s interests include running, traditional and digital storytelling and Aikido. (Photo by Ruben Buhagiar)
GLEN CALLEJA huwa poeta, rakkontatur u attur. Calleja jikteb primarjament bil-Malti, iżda ppubblika wkoll poeżiji, esejs u novelli bl-Ingliż.
Il-kitba ta’ Calleja spiss tesplora temi li għandhom x’jaqsmu mal-mixja mit-tfulija għall-irġulija, kif ukoll il-politika u l-perċezzjoni tal-maskulinità. Fil-poeżija tiegħu, spiss jirriċikla kitbiet bikrija tiegħu u jipproponihom taħt forom ġodda. Calleja huwa ggradwat fil-psikoloġija u l-filosofija, u ġab it-tieni lawrja tiegħu fl-istudji tal-Lvant Qrib.
Għandu numru ta’ snin ta’ esperjenza fil-ġurnaliżmu, il-kitba tal-iskripts u r-relazzjonijiet pubbliċi. Huwa wkoll ko-fundatur ta’ AWL, grupp indipendenti li jaħdem fil-qasam tal-poeżija b’mod inter-dixxiplinari, u mexxa laboratorji teatrali f’Malta, il-Greċja u l-Italja. Calleja mexxa wkoll il-proġett TKEĊNIR: kitchen work (2010-2011), kif ukoll The Depot of Living Things (2009), proġett dwar ir-rakkontar u l-arti tal-kotba. L-interessi ta’ Calleja jinkludu l-ġiri, ir-rakkontar tradizzjonali u diġitali, u l-Aikido.
SELMA DABBAGH is a British Palestinian writer of fiction based in London. Her first novel, Out of It, was published by Bloomsbury in December 2011 to widespread acclaim.
“My novel, Out of It,” she wrote recently after a visit to Gaza, “was mainly set in Gaza and written from afar. I did not know how it would feel to go back to a place that I had been living in as a fictional world for such a long time. I only knew it fleetingly from a couple of visits that I had made in the nineties when the place was going through a building boom of institutions and authorities. Our enthusiasm for the Oslo peace accords was muted. We felt a keen sense of humiliation in the compromises agreed to by the Palestinian leadership and the professional incompetence that they were prone to display. But no one anticipated the horrors that were to come in the form of F16s raids on schools, UN institutions and homes, together with the use of white phosphorous and the seeping, debasing nature of the blockade.”
Her short stories have appeared in anthologies published by Granta, International PEN and the British Council.
She was the 2005 English PEN nominee for the David TK Wong Short Story Award. She is currently working on a second novel and collaborating in writing a fiction feature film script.
Selma Dabbagh was at the Palestinian Festival of Literature in May 2012 and wrote a blog about it for English PEN.
SELMA DABBAGH hija kittieba Palestinjana-Brittannika bbażata Londra. L-ewwel rumanz tagħha, Out of it, ġie ppubblikat minn Bloomsbury f’Diċembru 2011 u ntlaqa’ tajjeb ħafna f’bosta bnadi.
Wara żjara reċenti fil-Gaża, hija kitbet: “Ir-rumanz tiegħi, Out of it, kien ambjentat primarjament fil-Gaża u miktub mill-bogħod. Ma kontx naf kif se nħossni meta mmur lura f’post li kont għextu għal tant żmien f’dinja fittizja. Kont nafu biss ftit, minn żewġ żjarat li għamilt hemm fis-snin disgħin meta l-post kien għaddej minn mewġa ta’ bini ta’ istituzzjonijiet u awtoritajiet. L-entużjażmu tagħna għall-ftehim tal-paċi ta’ Oslo x’atarx li ma kienx kbir ħafna. Kellna sens qawwi ta’ umiljazzjoni għall-kompromessi li saru mill-mexxejja Palestinjani, kif ukoll l-inkompetenza li kellhom tendenza juru fuq livell professjonali. Imma ħadd ma kien qed jistenna t-tkexkix tal-attakki tal-F16s fuq l-iskejjel, l-istituzzjonijiet tal-Ġnus Magħquda u d-djar tan-nies, kif ukoll l-użu tal-fosfru abjad u l-umiljazzjoni insidjuża tal-blokk.”
In-novelli tagħha dehru f’antoloġiji ppubblikati mill-Granta, International PEN u l-British Council.
Fl-2005, ġiet innominata mill-English PEN għad-David TK Wong Short Story Award. Bħalissa qed taħdem fuq it-tieni rumanz tagħha, u qed tikkollabora fuq il-kitba ta’ skript għal film. Selma Dabbagh kienet il-Festival Palestinjan tal-Letteratura f’Mejju 2012 u kitbet blog dwaru għall-English PEN.
MARINA ESPASA (Barcelona, 1973) is a philologist and works, whenever she gets the chance to do so, as a screenwriter, cultural journalist and translator.
She was a member of the team of the TV literary shows Saló de lectura (“Reading room”, Barcelona TV, 2002-2006) and L’hora del lector (“The time of the reader”, Catalonian TV, Canal 33, 2007-2011). She is a book’s reviewer for the ARA journal and the radio show Cabaret Elèctric (iCat fm).
La dona que es va perdre is her first novel: Simona Skrabec, writing in ARA, says that “Espasa arms her main characters with dreams and determination. She doesn’t try to run away from the ugliness of day-to-day life, but rather reclaims the right to nonconformity. Here life is not a garden of intersecting paths, but a network of parallel roads.” According to Julià Guillamon writing in La Vanguardia, “Marina Espasa’s first novel moves between the ambiguity of dystopia and the fantasy novel where everything carries more than one meaning. A place where the author can freely combine things both seen and imagined, the psychoanalytic fix and the fight against the system, personal obsessions and collective indignation.”
Marina Espasa’s latest translation, to appear next fall, is Jonathan Franzen’s latest book of essays, Farther away.
MARINA ESPASA (Barċellona, 1973) hija filoloġista u, meta jkollha ċ-ċans, taħdem ukoll bħala kittieba tal-iskripts għaċ-ċinema, bħala ġurnalista kulturali u traduttriċi. Hija kienet membru tal-gruppi li ħadmu fuq il-programmi televiżivi letterarji Saló de lectura (“Kamra tal-qari”) u L’hora del lector (“Is-siegħa tal-qarrej”, Catalonian TV, Canal 33, 2007-2011). Hija tikteb ir-riċensjonijiet tal-kotba għar-rivista ARA u għall-programm tar-radju Cabaret Elèctric (iCat fm).
La dona que es va perdre huwa l-ewwel rumanz tagħha. Simona Skrabec, f’ARA, tgħid li “Espasa tarma lill-karattri tagħha bil-ħolm u bid-determinazzjoni. Ma tippruvax taħrab mill-kruha tal-ħajja ta’ kuljum, imma tafferma d-dritt li ma tkunx konformi. Hawnhekk, il-ħajja mhijiex ġnien fejn il-mogħdijiet jaqsmu lil xulxin, iżda xibka ta’ toroq paralleli.” Skont Julià Guillamon, fi La Vanguardia, “L-ewwel rumanz ta’ Marina Espasa għandu kemm mid-distopja kif ukoll mill-fantasija, fejn kollox għandu iżjed minn tifsira waħda. Post fejn l-awtur għandu l-libertà li jħallat ħwejjeġ li ra ma’ dawk li mmaġina, is-saram psikanalitiku u t-taqbida kontra s-sistema, l-ossessjonijiet personali u l-indinjazzjoni kollettiva.”
L-aħħar traduzzjoni ta’ Marina Espasa, li se toħroġ fil-ħarifa, hija l-aħħar ktieb ta’ saġġi ta’ Jonathan Franzen, Further away.
COSTANZA FERRINI (Italy) is an independent researcher in contemporary Mediterranean literature. She graduated in Philosophy in 1991. Between 1998 and 2002 she was in charge of the Mediterranean literature collection of the publishing house Mesogea and she has published many essays and articles mainly in Italian and French.
In 1999 she published the book Venature mediterranee, a series of interviews with prominent Mediterranean writers, and an anthology of Mediterranean literature in two volumes Lingue di mare… lingue di terra (Languages of sea…languages of land). She worked with the theatre director Marco Baliani to create the piece Sacrifice which was performed in theatres in Rome, Marseille, Cairo, Beirut, and Tirana.
Since 2004 she is president of the international association Ombra del Mediterraneo (Shadows of the Mediterranean), which adopts an interdisciplinary approach (appreciated by UNESCO) in its organization of meetings, exhibitions and publications about Mediterranean culture and olive cultivation in the Mediterranean area. Currently she is working on a theatre piece and she is engaged in creating installations with artists of different countries. (Photo by Mario Carrozzino)
COSTANZA FERRINI (Italja) hija riċerkatriċi indipendenti tal-letteratura Mediterranja kontemporanja. Iggradwat fl-1991 fil-Filosofija. Bejn l-1998 u l-2002 kellha f’idejha l-kullana letterarja tad-dar editriċi Mesogea, u ppubblikat bosta artikli u saġġi, primarjament bit-Taljan u l-Franċiż.
Fl-1999, ippubblikat il-ktieb Venature mediterranee, serje ta’ intervisti ma’ kittieba prominenti tal-Mediterran, kif ukoll l-antoloġija tal-letteratura Mediterranja f’żewġ volumi Lingue di mare… lingue di terra. Hija ħadmet mad-direttur teatrali Marco Baliani fuq Sacrifice, xogħol li ttella’ f’teatri ġewwa Ruma, Marilja, il-Kajr, Bejrut u Tirana.
Ilha mill-2004 president tal-assoċċjazzjoni internazzjonali Ombra del Mediterraneo, li twettaq ħidma inter-dixxiplinari (li ġibdet l-apprezzament tal-UNESCO) fl-organizzazzjoni ta’ laqgħat, wirjiet u pubblikazzjonijiet dwar il-kultura Mediterranja u l-kultivazzjoni taż-żebbuġ fiż-żona Mediterranja. Bħalissa qed taħdem fuq xogħol teatrali u hija wkoll involuta fil-ħolqien ta’ installations ma’ artisti minn pajjiżi differenti.
CLAUDIA GAUCI was born on 25th September 1976. She studied at the University of Malta where she obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in French and Maltese.
After having taught French for several years she moved to Luxembourg where she worked as a linguistic administrator and reviser with the European Commission. Now, she lives in Malta and works as a freelance translator and proofreader.
Claudia Gauci has participated in several writing workshops lead by international writers. In June 2012 she was part of the Renshi project within the poetry festival in Berlin.
Claudia Gauci writes both poetry and prose. Her work has been published in various Maltese anthologies such as Sekwenzi ta’ Tluq (Inizjamed and Versatili) and Skariġġi (Skarta). She is an active member of Inizjamed and in October 2012 she shall be launching her first collection of poems.
CLAUDIA GAUCI twieldet fil-25 ta’ Settembru 1976. Studjat ġewwa l-Università ta’ Malta fejn kisbet Baċellerat fil-Malti u l-Franċiż. Wara li għallmet il-Franċiż għal diversi snin marret il-Lussemburgu biex taħdem bħala traduttriċi mal-Kummissjoni Ewropea. Illum tgħix Malta u taħdem għal rasha bħala traduttriċi u qarrejja tal-provi.
Hija ħadet sehem f’diversi laboratorji tal-kitba ma’ kittieba internazzjonali. F’Ġunju 2012 ħadet sehem fil-proġett Renshi li seħħ Berlin bħala parti mill-festival tal-poeżija. Claudia Gauci tikteb kemm poeżija u kemm proża. Ix-xogħol tagħha ġie ppubblikat f’diversi antoloġiji fosthom Sekwenzi ta’ Tluq (Inizjamed u Versatili) u Skariġġi (Skarta).
Claudia Gauci membru volontarju attiv ta’ Inizjamed u f’Ottubru 2012 se tniedi l-ewwel ġabra ta’ poeżiji tagħha.
GHAZI GHEBLAWI غازي القبلاوي is an author, blogger and activist, born in Libya 1975, where he studied medicine. He has been living and working in the UK since 2002.
He co-founded and worked as cultural editor for Libya Alyoum (Libya Today) online newspaper since 2004 until 2009 (
He continues to be active through his – award winning – cultural blog (Imtidad) focusing on cultural and social issues in Libya and the Arab world, and also founded and presented Imtidad cultural podcast, promoting Libyan and Arabic culture, literature and arts. ( and
As an author he has published two collections of short stories in Arabic, and poems in English in a number of literary publications, and translated literary works from and into Arabic and English.
Currently he founded and is the editor of el-Kaf online newspaper focusing in Libyan current affairs and news reports
GHAZI GHEBLAWI huwa awtur, attivtista u blogger, imwieled il-Libja fl-1975, fejn studja wkoll il-mediċina. Ilu jgħix u jaħdem fir-Renju Unit mill-2002. Huwa kien ko-fundatur tal-gazzetta online Libja Alyoum (Il-Libja Llum) u kien editur kulturali tagħha mill-2004 sal-2009 (
Huwa għadu għaddej bil-ħidma tiegħu permezz tal-blogg kulturali tiegħu (Imtidad), li rebaħ ukoll premjijiet, u jiffoka fuq kwistjonijiet ta’ natura soċjali u kulturali fil-Libja u d-dinja Għarbija. Waqqaf u ppreżenta wkoll il-podcast kulturali Imtidad, li jippromwovi l-kultura Libjana u Għarbija, il-letteratura u l-arti ( u
Bħala awtur ippubblika żewġ kollezzjonijiet ta’ novelli bl-Għarbi, poeżiji bl-Ingliż f’għadd ta’ pubblikazzjonijiet letterarji, u ttraduċa xogħlijiet letterarji mill- u għall-Għarbi u l-Ingliż. Dan l-aħħar waqqaf il-gazzetta online el-Kaf, li tagħha huwa l-editur, li tiffoka fuq attwalità u aħbarijiet fil-Libja (
GOLAN HAJI is a Syrian poet and translator with a postgraduate degree in pathology. He was born in 1977 in Amouda, a Kurdish town in the north of Syria. He studied medicine at the University of Damascus. He has worked as a translator from English and American literature, and has translated into Arabic works by Mark Strand and the Scottish classic Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson.
His first collection of poetry in Arabic, Called in Darkness (2004) won him the Al-Maghut prize in poetry. His second book of poetry, Someone Sees You as a Monster (2008) was published during the event celebrating Damascus as the Capital of culture in 2008. He lived in Damascus until he had to flee his country.
Golan Haji contributes regularly to the cultural press in Lebanon. He has participated in many poetry festivals in Syria and all over the world.
To listen to the Syrian poet Golan Haji podcast with Reel Festivals poetry coordinator Ryan Van Winkle in Beirut as part of the cultural collaboration festival of poetry, film and music Reel Festivals.
GOLAN HAJI huwa poeta u traduttur Sirjan b’lawrja avvanzata fil-patoloġija. Twieled fl-1977 f’Amouda, belt Kurda fit-tramuntana tas-Sirja. Studja l-mediċina fl-Università ta’ Damasku. Ħadem bħala traduttur tal-letteratura Ingliża u Amerikana u qaleb għall-Għarbi xogħlijiet ta’ Mark Strand, kif ukoll ix-xogħol klassiku Skoċċiż The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ta’ Robert Louis Stevenson.
L-ewwel ġabra ta’ poeżiji tiegħu bl-Għarbi, Imsejjaħ fid-Dlam (2004) rebbħitu l-premju għall-poeżija Al-Maghut. It-tieni ktieb tal-poeżija tiegħu, Xi Ħadd Jarak Mostru (2008), ġie ppubblikat fl-okkażjoni taċ-ċelebrazzjoni ta’ Damasku bħala Kapitali tal-Kultura fl-2008. Huwa baqa’ jgħix Damasku sa ma kellu jaħrab minn pajjiżu.
Golan Haji jikkontribwixxi regolarment lill-istampa kulturali fil-Libanu. Huwa pparteċipa f’bosta festivals tal-poeżija fis-Sirja u madwar id-dinja.
Isma’ l-podcast tal-poeta Sirjan Golan Haji flimkien mal-koordinatur tal-poeżija tar-Reel Festivals, Ryan Winkle, f’Beirut bħala parti mill-festival kollaborattiv kulturali ta’ poeżija, film, u mużika ta’ Reel Festivals.
BRANE MOZETIČ is a poet, writer, translator, editor, publisher, activist, promoter of Slovenian literature abroad and many other things. Up to date, he has published thirteen poetry collections, two novels and a short stories collection. Twenty eight of his books have been published in translation abroad, most of them in Italian, English and German.
He has translated over twenty books, mainly from French, including the works of Rimbaud, Genet and Foucault. He is the editor of the book series Aleph and Lambda and has edited several anthologies and publications for the promotion of Slovenian literature abroad.
Brane Mozetič is the programme coordinator of the annual Living Literature Festival and has been coordinating the Ljubljana Gay and Lesbian Film Festival for over twenty years. He is also the author of three provocative performances/installations.
BRANE MOZETIČ huwa, fost ħafna affarijiet oħra, poeta, kittieb, traduttur, editur, pubblikatur, attivist u promottur tal-letteratura Slovena madwar id-dinja. Sal-lum, ippubblika tlettax-il ġabra ta’ poeżija, żewġ rumanzi u ġabra ta’ novelli. Tmienja u għoxrin mill-kotba tiegħu ġew tradotti, ħafna minnhom għat-Taljan, l-Ingliż u l-Ġermaniż.
Huwa ttraduċa ’l fuq minn għoxrin ktieb, l-iżjed mill-Franċiż, inklużi x-xogħlijiet ta’ Rimbaud, Genet u Foucault. Huwa l-editur tas-serje Aleph u Lambda u editja wkoll bosta antoloġiji u pubblikazzjonijiet b’risq il-promozzjoni tal-letteratura Slovena madwar id-dinja.
Brane Mozetič jikkoordina l-programm tal-festival annwali Living Literature u ilu iżjed minn għoxrin sena jikkoordina l-Ljubjana Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Huwa wkoll l-awtur ta’ tliet installations/performances provokattivi.
KALLIA PAPADAKI was born in Dideimoteicho in 1978 and grew up in Thessaloniki. She studied economics in the United States at Bard College and Brandeis University.
Her short story collection The Back-Lot Sound (Polis Publishers, 2009), attracted warm critical reviews and won the New Writers Award from the Greek literary journal Diavazo. Her short stories have been included in anthologies and her poems have been published in the Greek literary journal Nea Estia.
Kallia Papadaki’s latest book Lavender in December (Polis Publishers, 2011) is a collection of poems.
She works as a professional screenwriter of feature-length films.
KALLIA PAPADAKI twieldet Dideimoteicho fl-1978 u trabbiet Tessaloniki. Studjat l-ekonomija f’Bard College u Brendeis University, fl-istati Uniti.
Il-ġabra ta’ novelli tagħha The Back-Lot Sound (Polis, 2009) intlaqgħet tajjeb mill-kritiċi u rebħet in-New Writers Award mir-rivista letterarja Griega Diavazo. In-novelli tagħha huma inklużi f’antoloġiji u l-poeżiji tagħha ġew ippubblikati fir-rivista letterarja Griega Nea Estia.
L-aħħar ktieb ta’ Kallia Papadaki huwa l-ġabra ta’ poeżiji Lavender in December (Polis, 2011). Hija taħdem bħala kittieba professjonali ta’ kittieba tal-iskripts tal-films.
LAWRENCE SCHIMEL writes in both Spanish and English and has published over 100 books as author or anthologist in many different genres. He has published one collection of poems written in Spanish, Desayuno en la cama (Egales), as well as a chapbook in English Fairy Tales for Writers (A Midsummer Night’s Press).
His picture book No hay nada como el original (Destino) was selected by the Internationales Jugendbibliothek for the White Ravens 2005 and his picture book ¿Lees un libro conmigo? (Panamericana) was selected by IBBY for Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities 2007. He has won the Lambda Literary Award twice, for PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions about Gender and Sexuality (with Carol Queen; Cleis) and First Person Queer (with Richard Labonté; Arsenal Pulp), among other prizes and honors.
In addition to his own writing, Schimel is a translator from Spanish into English. He has translated work by Juan Goytisolo, Vicente Molina Foix, Luis Antonio de Villena, Care Santos, Jordi Doce, Joan Fontcuberta, Sofía Rhei, Jesús Encinar, and others for magazines, anthologies, and festivals. He is also the publisher of A Midsummer Night’s Press ( He lives in Madrid, Spain.
LAWRENCE SCHIMEL jikteb bl-Ispanjol u bl-Ingliż u ppubblika iżjed minn 100 ktieb ta’ bosta ġeneri differenti bħala awtur jew antoloġista. Huwa ppubblika ġabra ta’ poeżiji bl-Ispanjol Desayuno en la cama (Egales), kif ukoll ktejjeb bl-Ingliż Fairy Tales for Writers (A Midsummer Night’s Press).
Il-ktieb bl-istampi tiegħu No hay nada como el original (Destino) intgħażel mill-Internationales Jugendbibliothek għall-White Ravens tal-2005, u l-ktieb bl-istampi Lees un libro conmigo? (Panamericana) intgħażel mill-IBBY bħala wieħed mill-Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities fl-2007. Fost premjijiet oħra, huwa rebaħ il-Lambda Literary Award darbtejn, għal PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions about Gender and Sexuality (flimkien ma’ Carol Queen; Cleis) u għal First Person Queer (flimkien ma’ Richard Labonté; Arsenal Pulp).
Apparti li jikteb, Schimel huwa traduttur mill-Ispanjol għall-Ingliż. Ittraduċa x-xogħol ta’ Juan Goytisolo, Vicente Molina Foix, Luis Antonio de Villena, Care Santos, Jordi Doce, Joan Fontcuberta, Sofía Rhei, Jesús Encinar, u oħrajn għal rivisti, antoloġiji u festivals. Huwa wkoll il-pubblikatur ta’ A Midsummer Night’s Press ( Jgħix f’Madrid, Spanja.
Shadeena is a multi-disciplinary production company working in advertising and film. Its latest short film production was awarded a production grant by the Malta Film Fund and won the Malta Innovation Award in the Creative Category. Shadeena is the first Maltese production unit to represent Malta at the European Short Pitch where it presented the screenplay for the upcoming Maltese language short film project ‘Sħab’.
Shadeena treats all audio-visual projects as collaborative expressions of themes and emotions and strives to excel not only in technical abilities but also the artistic development of its team and projects.
The development of Shadeena is supported by Invex Malta.
Shadeena hija kumpanija tal-produzzjoni multi-dixxiplinari li taħdem fil-qasam tal-film u tar-riklami. L-aħħar film qasir li pproduċiet rebaħ l-appoġġ finanzjarju tal-Malta Film Fund u l-Malta Innovation Award fil-kategorija kreattiva. Shadeena kienet l-ewwel kumpanija Maltija li rrappreżentat lil Malta fil-European Short Pitch, fejn ippreżentat skript għall-produzzjoni bil-Malti tal-film qasir Sħab, li se joħroġ dalwaqt.
Għal Shadeena, kull proġett awdjo-viżiv huwa espressjoni kollaborattiva ta’ temi u emozzjonijiet; hija tipprova teċċella mhux biss fl-aspett tekniku iżda wkoll fejn tidħol l-espressjoni artistika tal-grupp u l-proġetti.
L-iżvilupp ta’ Shadeena għandu l-appoġġ ta’ Invex Malta.
MURAD SHUBERT was born and brought up in Casablanca, Morocco. His late father was Algerian and his mother Moroccan. At high school he received his baccalaureate in modern Arabic literature. His University degree is in law and political science. He has been writing poetry in Arabic since he was 16, and some of his works were published in Moroccan newspapers.
He is influenced by the Palestinian writers Mahmoud Darwish and Ghassan Khanafani, the Kurdish-Syrian novelist, poet, and translator Selim Barakat, and the Egyptian rebel poet Amal Dankol. After having travelled through various countries, Murad Shubert arrived in Malta in 2004. Apart from Arabic and French he speaks Maltese and English.
Murad Shubert’s poetry deals mainly with politics in the Arab world and love. He has always spoken about the need for revolution in the Arab world and this is the reason why he had to leave his country. He sometimes uses traditional poetic forms but his poetry is mainly written in a modern style. His poetry is being translated into Maltese by the Maltese-Palestinian writer Walid Nabhan.
MURAD SHUBERT twieled u għex Casablanca, il-Marokk. Missieru kien Alġerin u ommu Marokkina. Fis-sekondarja kiseb il-baccalauréat fil-letteratura Għarbija moderna. Fl-università ggradwar fil-liġi u x-xjenza politika. Ilu jikteb il-poeżija minn mindu kellu sittax-il sena, u wħud mill-kitbiet tiegħu dehru f’gazzetti Marokkini.
Bħala kittieb huwa influwenzat mill-kittieba Palestinjani Mahmoud Darwish u Ghassan Khanafani, mir-rumanzier, poet u traduttur Kurd-Sirjan Selim Barakat, u mill-poeta ribelli Eġizzjan Amal Dankol. Wara li vvjaġġa f’diversi pajjiżi, Murad Shubert wasal Malta fl-2004. Minbarra l-Għarbi u l-Franċiż jitkellem ukoll bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż.
Il-poeżija ta’ Murad Shubert titkellem l-aktar dwar il-politika fid-dinja Għarbija u dwar l-imħabba. Minn dejjem tkellem dwar il-ħtieġa ta’ rivoluzzjoni fid-dinja Għarbija u għalhekk kellu jitlaq minn pajjiżu. Kultant juża forom poetiċi tradizzjonali imma l-poeżija tiegħu tinqeda l-aktar bi stil modern. Ix-xogħlijiet tiegħu nqalbu għall-Malti mill-kittieba Malti-Palestinjan Walid Nabhan.
RENZO SPITERI is a creative musician and composer renowned for speaking multiple languages with his hands. As one of Malta’s finest music exports and cultural ambassadors, he works alongside top-flight names in the music and art scenes, acting as a strong linking point between the music itself and other genres of artistic expression, be it a film, dance choreography, theatre production, literature recital or visual installation.
Renzo’s artistic versatility and passion for the creative use of sound have over the years allowed him to develop fresh musical possibilities and unlimited modes of expression. He performs across a wide range of musical styles – classical to experimental, from solo percussion performances to improvisations, contemporary, jazz and world music – to stage outstanding live performances that range from the sublime to the passionate. From collaborative projects that undertake to bring together a wide range of musicians, to solo works where there is a spirit of enquiry, Renzo’s artistic sensitivity and penchant for non-traditional approaches to composition have resulted in innovative, inspiring and dynamic performances.
Renzo Spiteri is an endorsed artiste for Toca Percussion, Paiste Cymbals, Yamaha Drums, and Schlagwerk Percussion, and is supported by Olimpus Music (Malta).
“Spiteri gives the listener a chance to really feel the pulsations that are being configured by the palm of his hands [giving] a refreshing exposure of unfamiliar sounds and rhythms not usually performed in such a manner.” The Reporter (Chicago)
“The improvisational and instrumental delights of Malta’s music master, Renzo Spiteri, are steeped in a creative and groundbreaking pool of talent rarely observed in instrumental world music.” M. Forss, music critic
“One of today’s true masters of the art of percussion is Renzo Spiteri from Malta.” (Germany)
“When Renzo Spiteri presents his music it is quite an event. This very versatile and creative musician goes beyond being a highly specialised and accomplished percussionist.” The Times (Malta)
“Renowned for his experimental approach to music, Renzo Spiteri is an artiste who constantly surprises.” The Times (Malta)
SUZANA TRATNIK was born in 1963 in Murska Sobota, Slovenia. She graduated in Sociology and finished her MA in Gender Anthropology.
She lives and works in Ljubljana as a writer, translator, and publicist. She published five short stories collections Bellow Zero (Pod ničlo), In One’s Own Backyard (Na svojem dvorišču), Parallels (Vzporednice), Things I’ve Never Understood on the Train (Česa nisem nikoli razumela na vlaku), and Two Worlds (Dva svetova), two novels My Name is Damjan (Ime mi je Damjan) and Third World (Tretji svet), a play and two non-fiction books about lesbian movement and lesbian literature.
In 2007 she was rewarded with a national Prešeren’s Fund Prize for the best Slovenian fiction book. Her books and short stories are translated in several languages. Tratnik has translated several books of British and American fiction and non-fiction, including authors such as Judith Butler, Adrienne Rich, Michael Cunningham, Jackie Kay, Katy Watson, Mary Dorcey, Ian McEwan, Truman Capote. (Photo by Nada Žgank)
SUZANA TRATNIK twieldet fl-1963 f’Murska Sobota, l-Islovenja. Hija ggradwat fis-Soċjoloġija u għandha MA f’Gender Anthropology.
Hija tgħix f’Ljubljana u taħdem bħala kittieba, traduttriċi u promottur. Ippubblikat ħames ġabriet ta’ novelli Bellow Zero (Pod ničlo), In One’s Own Backyard (Na svojem dvorišču), Parallels (Vzporednice), Things I’ve Never Understood on the Train (Česa nisem nikoli razumela na vlaku), u Two Worlds (Dva svetova), żewġ rumanzi My Name is Damjan (Ime mi je Damjan)u Third World (Tretji svet), dramm u żewġ kotba mhux fittizji dwar il-moviment u l-letteratura leżbjana.
Fl-2007 rebħet il-premju nazzjonali Prešeren’s Fund Prize għall-aqwa xogħol fittizju bl-Isloven. Il-kotba u n-novelli tagħha nqalbu għal bosta lingwi. Tratnik traduċiet ukoll bosta kotba Ingliżi u Amerikani, kemm fittizji kif ukoll le, ta’ awturi bħal Judith Butler, Adrienne Rich, Michael Cunningham, Jackie Kay, Katy Watson, Mary Dorcey, Ian McEwan u Truman Capote.
YZU (or Yzu Selly), pen name of Francesco Albano, was born on August 13, 1971 in Potenza and lived in Pignola until 1990. He studied solfeggio, organ and folk guitar. After attending high school in classical studies he moved to Perugia to study political and social sciences at the University of Perugia.
He studied voice for recitation within the Theatre Group “Liminalia” and attended a course on Cubase-VST (digital music). In 2004 in Bologna. HIs intense collaboration during these years, both in Perugia and Bologna, with visual artists and musical bands is evident in the video of his performances for which he produced musical tracks, costume and masks and in his poetry collections. He also produced videos.
Yzu died in Bologna on August 26, 2011. His self-published books of poetry include Buio indaco e il rosso (1997), Cucuwàsh (1999), Fiori di maggio (2005), and Canzoni per una stanza abbandonata (2011). For the theatre he wrote Da dietro le sbarre (2007) and produced a cd called Camsor Carpar (2002). and His poems will be read by his niece Federica Riviello. (Photo by Fabrizio Bellini)
YZU (jew Yzu Selly) huwa n-nom de plume ta’ Francesco Albano, imwieled fit-13 ta’ Awwissu, 1971, f’Potenza. Huwa għex Pignola sal-1990. Studja s-solfeggio, l-orgni u l-kitarra folk. Wara li studja l-klassiċi l-liċeo, mar Perugia biex jistudja x-xjenzi politiċi u soċjali l-Università ta’ Perugia.
Tħarreġ fil-vuċi għar-reċitazzjoni flimkien mal-grupp teatrali Liminalia u attenda kors fil-Cubase-VST (mużika diġitali) fl-2004 f’Bologna. Il-kollaborazzjonijiet intensi tiegħu f’dawn is-snin, kemm f’Perugia kif ukoll Bologna, ma’ artisti viżivi u gruppi mużikali, toħroġ ċara fil-filmati tal-performances tiegħu, li għalihom ipproduċa siltiet mużikali, kostumi u maskri; kif ukoll fil-ġabriet ta’ poeżiji tiegħu. Huwa pproduċa wkoll vidjows.
Yzu miet Bologna fis-26 ta’ Awwissu, 2011. Il-kotba tal-poeżiji tiegħu jinkludu Buio indaco e il rosso (1997),Cucuwàsh (1999), Fiori di maggio (2005), u Canzoni per una stanza abbandonata (2011). Għat-teatru kiteb ukoll Da dietro le sbarre (2007) u pproduċa CD bit-titlu Camsor Carpar (2002). Il-poeżiji tiegħu se jinqraw min-neputija tiegħu Federica Riviello.
ALEXANDRA BÜCHLER (UK/Czech Republic) was born in Prague and was educated there, in Thessaloniki and Melbourne, Australia. She has lived in Great Britain since 1989. She is the founding director of Literature Across Frontiers, a European Platform for Literary Exchange, Translation and Policy Debate, and has served on the board of Culture Action Europe (formerly European Forum for Arts and Heritage) and of the Translators’ Association UK.
She is editorial director of Transcript Europe’s Online Review of International Writing, and editor of the international series of contemporary poetry anthologies New Voices from Europe and Beyond at the UK-based Arc Publications. A translator of fiction, poetry, theatre plays and texts on modern art and architecture from English, Czech and Greek, she has translated over twenty-five works, including books by authors such as J. M. Coetzee, David Malouf, Jean Rhys, Janice Galloway and Rhea Galanaki into Czech. She has also edited and part-translated a number of anthologies, including This Side of Reality: Modern Czech Writing (1996), Allskin and Other Tales by Contemporary Czech Women (1998). Her most recent publications are A Fine Line: New Poetry from Central and Eastern Europe, Arc (2004) and Six Czech Poets, Arc (2007), and poetry by Patrick McGuinness published in Czech in 2009.
Alexandra Büchler (Ir-Renju Unit/ir-Repubblika Ċeka) twieldet Praga u ħadet l-edukazzjoni tagħha fi Praga stess, f’Tessaloniki u f’Melbourne. Ilha tgħix fir-Renju Unit mill-1989. Hija d-direttriċi fundatriċi ta’ Literature Across Frontiers (LAF), programm Ewropew ta’ skambju letterarju, Traduzzjoni u Dibattitu dwar il-Politika Kulturali u Letterarja. Kienet membru fil-bord ta’ Culture Action Europe (li kien jismu European Forum for Arts and Heritage) u membru tat-Translators’ Association tar-Renju Unit.
Hija d-direttriċi editorjali ta’ Transcript, ir-rivista Ewropea fuq l-internet dwar il-kotba u l-kitba, u editriċi tas-sensiela internazzjonali ta’ antoloġiji tal-poeżija kontemporanja New Voices from Europe and Beyond mal-Arc Publications, ibbażati fir-Renju Unit. Ittraduċiet xogħlijiet ta’ narrattiva, poeżija, drammi teatrali u testi fuq l-arti u l-arkitettura moderna mill-Ingliż, iċ-Ċek u l-Grieg. Qalbet għaċ-Ċek ’il fuq minn ħamsa u għoxrin xogħol, fosthom kotba ta’ awturi bħal ma huma J. M. Coetzee, David Malouf, Jean Rhys, Janice Galloway u Rhea Galanaki.
Editjat u kellha sehem fit-traduzzjoni ta’ għadd ta’ antoloġiji, fosthom This Side of Reality: Modern Czech Writing (1996), Allskin and Other Tales by Contemporary Czech Women (1998). L-aktar pubblikazzjonijiet riċenti tagħha huma A Fine Line: New Poetry from Central and Eastern Europe, Arc (2004) u Six Czech Poets, Arc (2007). Fl-2009 ħarġet traduzzjoni tagħha biċ-Ċek tal-poeżiji ta’ Patrick McGuinness.
Msida Bastion Historic Garden, FLORIANA
Extract from Heritage Fragments, by Joe Azzopardi
Published by Din l-Art Helwa 2010
Ġnien il-Mistrieħ, Floriana
The annexation of Malta to the British Empire revived the Island’s reputation as a cosmopolitan centre and its harbours further evolved as a considerable trade centre in the Mediterranean. This attracted many foreigners, some of whom died here and, of course, they were not all Roman Catholics. A large number were, in fact, Protestants from Britain and elsewhere in Europe, and smaller numbers of other Christian denominations, as well as Jews and Moslems, who could not be buried in Catholic cemeteries.
For a time, most burials of Protestants from Britain took place, in a sporadic fashion outside the Valletta bastions overlooking Msida Creek until appropriate cemeteries had been established in the area. This resulted in a conglomeration of beautiful burial grounds, alongside the already existing plague cemeteries. Unfortunately, of the Quarantine, Cholera and Greek Orthodox cemeteries, only evidence of the latter remains, and this with just a lone monument dedicated to Lady Catherine Hanley. Most of the others were cleared when the first Excelsior Hotel project began taking shape.
The only surviving cemetery in the area is the Msida Bastion Cemetery. The earliest monument recorded here dates back to 1806 but it did not become a separate consecrated cemetery until 1843 and it was hardly used after 1857, when Ta’ Braxia cemetery was opened in Pietà. So far, some 530 burials have been more or less definitively recorded, but the number must have been greater. This cemetery was for the use of the British military, civil officials and members of the commercial community, together with their families.
It was hit by a bomb in WWII, and largely abandoned for several years. Research into the history of the Msida Bastion Cemetery was first carried out by James Cannon and published, together with a detailed list of the burials, in 1990. The cemetery has now been restored by a team of dedicated volunteers from Din l-Art Helwa, who took up the work begun by Reginald Kirkpatrick. The restoration project was awarded a Europa Nostra Silver Medal in 2002.
Incidentally, one of the most illustrious burials at Msida Bastion was not that of a British citizen but of Mikiel Anton Vassalli (1764-1829), long considered the father of the Maltese language. Vassalli died in absolute poverty on 12 January 1829 aged 65. His burial here was arranged by a number of British personalities, chief among whom was the Hon John Hookham Frere (1769-1846) who met all the expenses. The facts leading to Vassalli’s entombment at Msida Bastion are rendered in the words of the Reverend C F Schlienz:
“As Mr. Vassalli never made profession of being a protestant we would have him buried in a Catholic burial place. However, when we presented him, for reasons that Vassalli had never been legally married (he could not marry regularly as he had taken minor orders) he ought therefore to be put among the dishonest at the wayside without any ceremony. To this we would not consent, and with the consent of the relict and the sister of the deceased [we] applied to Government for a licence to bury him in the Protestant burial place”.
Msida Bastion Historic Garden, FLORIANA
Formerly known as the Msida Bastion Cemetery, this served as a Protestant cemetery from 1806-56. It was restored over a period of ten years and was awarded the Silver Medal by Europa Nostra in 2002. A small museum was added in 2004.
This was the main Protestant cemetery in Malta for about fifty years from 1806. Records show that at least 528 people were buried here and it was more or less full in 1856 when Ta’ Braxia Cemetery was opened. The principal occupants are British servicemen, officials and businessmen and their families, some of whose ancestors still live in Malta today, as well as some Maltese.
The most famous Maltese buried here was Mikiel Anton Vassalli, known as the father of the Maltese language, who died on 12 Jan 1829, aged about 64. He was not on good terms with the local Catholic church and had translated the New Testament into Maltese against the wishes of the church. His wife was later also buried here in 1851.
The cemetery lies in the bastion formerly known as St Philip’s Bastion, part of Floriani’s outer defence works commissioned by Grand Master Antoine de Paule in 1635. On the higher ground above the bastion stood the gallows used by the Order. During World War Two the Cemetery was hit by bombs and part of the bastion wall at the far end and some graves were damaged.
The Cemetery was protected by a low wall until 1988 and much was vandalised and destroyed by wind and weather. Vegetation covered the graves and split the stones apart. In 1930 Capt Charles Zammit in his report on this cemetery commented that the great majority of the inscriptions were damaged and indecipherable. In 1988 the Minister of Education, Dr Ugo Mifsud Bonnici declared that the site was to be restored and opened to the public as a garden. A high wall and gate were built and extensive work was carried out by volunteers from Din l-Art Helwa. The original project leader, Mr R.G. Kirkpatrick died in 1988 and interest waned but in 1993 Dr Andy Welsh revived interest in the project and work proceeded steadily thereafter.
The restoration was awarded the Silver Medal by Europa Nostra in 2002. In 2004 a small Museum of Maltese Burial Practices was opened in the building adjacent to the garden by the Minister of Tourism and Culture Dr. Francis Zammit Dimech and Director General of the National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland Mrs. Fiona Reynolds.
(from the Din l-Art Ħelwa website)