Kittieba Mistiedna
Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta 2019
English version below.

Yolanda Pantin twieldet fl-1954 fil-belt kapitali ta’ Venezwela, Caracas. Tfulitha qattgħatha fil-belt żgħira ta’ Tumero u fl-1974 reġgħet marret lura lejn il-belt kapitali sabiex tkompli l-edukazzjoni tagħha fejn għadha tgħix sal-lum. Fl-1981, flimkien ma’ poeti oħra waqqfet il-grupp Tráfico. Tmien snin wara reġgħet ikkollaborat ma’ kittieba oħra sabiex tiġi ppubblikata l-poeżija. Dan wassalha sabiex tikseb il-Premio Fundarte de Poesía.
Qdiet l-irwol ta’ direttriċi għal fundazzjonijiet tal-poeżija f’pajjiżha u kisbet boroż ta’ studju fl-Ewropa. Fl-2017 rebħet il-premju prestiġġjuż Premio Casa de América de Poesía Americana permezz tal-ktieb tagħha Lo que hace el tiempo (Visor, 2017). Hija kienet l-ewwel Venezwelana li rebħet dan il-premju.
Pantin ippublikat diversi antoloġiji ta’ poeżiji, kif ukoll ħadmet bħala editriċi ta’ antoloġija ta’ letteratura Venezwelana femminili tas-seklu għoxrin. Id-dar tal-pubblikazzjoni Spanjola Pretextos ippubblikat antoloġija ta’ poeżija tagħha, País. Poesía reunida 1981-2011. Xogħolha ġie tradott għall-Ingliż, Franċiż, Ġermaniż, Olandiż u Portugiż. Kitbet ukoll letteratura mmirata għat-tfal. #FMLM2019
Yolanda Pantin
Guest Author
Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2019

Yolanda Pantin was born in 1954 in Caracas, Venezuela. She spent her childhood in the small town of Tumero and in 1974 went back to Caracas in order to continue her education, where she still lives. In 1981, together with other poets, she established the group Tráfico. After eight years, she collaborated with other authors to publish more poems. This lead her to win the Premio Fundarte de Poesía.
She served as a director for various poetry foundations in Venezuela and got several scholarships to Europe. In 2017, she won the prestigious prize Premio Casa de América de Poesía Americana for her book Lo que hace el tiempo (Visor, 2017). She was the first Venezuelan to receive this prize.
Pantin published several anthologies and worked as an editor on a literary anthology of female Venezuelan authors of the 20th century. The Spanish Publication House Pretextos published her poetry anthology País. Poesía reunida 1981-2011. Her work was translated into English, French, German, Dutch and Portuguese. She also wrote literature aimed for children. #MMLF2019
Din is-sena l-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta jirritorna fil-Forti Sant’Iermu, fejn fl-iljieli tat-22, 23 u 24 t’Awwissu se jlaqqgħakom mal-kittieba mistiedna bil-qari tax-xogħlijiet oriġinali tagħhom, kif ukoll permezz tal-intervisti. Se jkun hemm il-film tal-poeżija minn Malta, imsejjes fuq il-poeżija Natura Morta ta’ Joe Friggieri, kif ukoll films magħmulin lil hinn minn xtutna.
Il-festival hu ferm ikbar, però, minn dak li jseħħ matul dawk it-tlitt ijiem, u jiġbor fi ħdanu sensiela ta’ avvenimenti li jibdew fi ftit ġimgħat. Segwu dan is-sit u l-paġni tagħna fuq Facebook u Instagram għal iktar informazzjoni. #FMLM2019
This year’s Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival will be returning home to Fort St Elmo, Valletta, for the nights of 22, 23 and 24 August. The guest authors will be reading their original work, and you will get to know them better through the Q&As. The Poetry on Film series will be reprised with a short based on Joe Friggieri’s poem Natura Morta, which will also be joined by other films from abroad.
Whilst the culmination will be on those three days, the festival is actually so much than that. A series of events leading up to the festival, will be starting in a few weeks; stay tuned to this website, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date. #MMLF2019
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