Are the readings in Maltese or in English?
The authors read in both English and Maltese. Some of the authors also read in their mother tongue, be it Arabic, French, Italian or any other language.
Il-qari jsir bil-Malti jew bl-Ingliż?
L-awturi jaqraw bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż. Xi awturi jaqraw ukoll bl-ilsien nattiv tagħhom, bħall-Għarbi, Franċiż, Taljan jew lingwi oħrajn.
How long will the Festival last? Will there be an interval?
The Festival lasts three hours with a twenty minute break.
Kemm idum il-Festival? Ikun hemm waqfa?
Il-Festival idum tliet sigħat b’waqfa ta’ għoxrin minuta.
Will there be the books by the authors for sale?
Yes, our book stalls will have in stock the books by the authors and also other recent publications or publications by authors who took part in the Festival in previous years.
Il-kotba tal-awturi jkunu għall-bejgħ?
Iva, ikun hemm għażla ta’ kotba tal-awturi tal-Festival għall-bejgħ, flimkien ma’ pubblikazzjonijiet riċenti oħrajn u kotba ta’ awturi li ħadu sehem fil-Festival fis-snin passati.
Will there be food/drinks?
Yes, this year the CORE GREEN organic & fairtrade will be responsible for the food during the Festival. There will also be a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks as well as coffee.
Ikun hemm ikel/xorb?
Iva, din is-sena l-ikel se jkunu responsabbli għalih il-CORE GREEN organic & fairtrade. Ikun hemm ukoll għażla ta’ xorb alkoħoliku u mhux u kafejiet.
Can I meet the Festival authors?
One can meet the Festival authors during the pre-events organised by Inizjamed, during the open mic session and during the Festival nights.
Nista’ niltaqa’ mal-awturi tal-Festival?
Wieħed jista’ jiltaqa’ mal-awturi tal-Festival matul l-attivitajiet li jsiru qabel organizzati minn Inizjamed, matul il-palk ħieles u matul l-iljieli tal-Festival.
Is it wheelchair accessible?
Yes, there is access for wheelchair users.
Hemm aċċess għas-siġġijiet bir-roti?
Iva, m’hemmx problema ta’ aċċess.
What if it rains?
The Festival will still be held in alternate locations on the same premises.
Jekk tagħmel ix-xita?
Il-Festival isir fi mkejjen differenti fl-istess binja.
Are Festival events recorded?
Yes, the Festival is recorded. Clips of the same Festival and published on YouTube during the year.
Il-Festival ikun irrekordjat?
Iva, ikun irrekordjat. Siltiet minnu jitilgħu fuq Facebook matul is-sena. Imma mod tkun hemm u mod tarah fuq screen.
What about the poetry films?
Clare Azzopardi and Ken Scicluna are working on a poetry film which presents Achille Mizzi’s work “Kafè”, while Abigail Mallia and Carlos Debattista are producing a poetry film of Oliver Friggieri’s work “Il-Lejl f’Dan l-Istazzjon”. This project is done in collaboration with the Valletta 2018 Foundation.
U l-films tal-poeżija?
Clare Azzopardi u Ken Scicluna qed jaħdmu fuq film li jippreżenta l-poeżija ta’ Achille Mizzi “Kafè,” filwaqt li Abigail Mallia u Carlos Debattista qed jipproduċu film fuq poeżija ta’ Oliver Friggeri, “Il-Lejl f’Dan l-Istazzjon.” Dan il-proġett isir bi sħab mal-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018.
And music?
The Festival always has a musical component. Our guest for this year will be Robert Farrugia whilst we will also have a resident band .
U l-mużika?
Il-Festival dejjem ikollu komponent mużikali. Il-mistieden speċjali ta’ din is-sena huwa Robert Farrugia filwaqt li se jkollna wkoll band residenti.
Are kids catered for?
On Friday 24th August More or Less Theatre in collaboration with Oħloq Kultura as part of the Valletta 2018 Foundation will host workshops for kids during the Festival.
U xi ngħidu għat-tfal?
Nhar il-Ġimgħa 24 ta’ Awwissu, More or Less Theatre f’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Oħloq Kultura bħala parti mill-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 se jorganizzaw workshops għat-tfal matul il-Festival.
Can I take my own photos of the Festival?
The Festival has an official photographer. However people can take their own photos as long as the following hashtags are used when uploading on social media and no commercial use is made of these images: #mmlf18 #inizjamed
Nista’ nieħu ritratti tal-Festival?
Il-Festival għandu l-fotografa uffiċjali tiegħu. Madankollu, l-udjenza tista’ tieħu r-ritratti. Jekk jittellgħu fuq is-siti soċjali jridu jintużaw dawn il-hashtags: #mmlf18 #inizjamed. U ma jistax isir użu kummerċjali minn dawn ir-ritratti.
Leanne Ellul | Lulju 2018