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Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
Il-Programm 2022 / The 2022 Programme

Il-Programm 2022 / The 2022 Programme

Tista’ tara l-verżjoni stampata hawn.

L-Erbgħa 24 ta’ AwwissuOn The Border of Conflict

7:30 pm – Spazju Kreattiv, il-Belt Valletta

fmlm22 on the border of conflict event 1

David Schembri se jagħmel intervista qasira ma’ Jacobo Bergareche bħala r-rappreżentant għal Spanja tal-Premju tal-Unjoni Ewropea għal-Letteratura. 

Wara, se jkollna diskussjoni moderata minn James Debono mill-Malta Today, flimkien ma’ tlieta mill-awturi mistiedna: Adrian Grima, Julia Musakovska u Lamis Saidi.

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David Schembri will hold a short interview with Jacobo Bergareche as the award winner of the EUPL.

Following the interview, there will be a discussion moderated by James Debono, a local journalist with three of the invited authors: Adrian Grima, Julia Musakovska and Lamis Saidi.

More info here

Il-Ħamis 25 ta’ AwwissuThe Golden Shovel Poem Masterclass – Bella Cox

10:00 am – Kixott, il-Mosta

fmlm22 bella cox event

Din il-masterclass, tistieden lill-parteċipanti biex jesploraw tekniċi varji ta’ editjar u qari li jistgħu jagħmlu d-differenza kollha lill-poeżija. Se jiskopru t-teknika tal-Golden Shovel, il-minimaliżmu fil-poeżija u Cox se taqsam mal-parteċipanti ideat ġejjin minn madwar id-dinja kollha għal qari aħjar tal-poeżija quddiem udjenza.

Se jinkiteb xogħol ġdid, imma l-parteċipanti huma mistiedna wkoll li jġibu xogħol miktub diġà biex jiġi editjat.

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This full day masterclass with poet and facilitator; Bella Cox, invites you to explore various editing and performance techniques to set your poetry alight. Discovering the Golden Shovel technique, minimalism in poetry and sharing performance tips from around the world, this masterclass is not to be missed.

We will write new work in the class but you are also welcome to bring a pre-written poem ready for edits.

More info here

Il-Ħamis 25 ta’ AwwissuPalk Ħieles / Open Mic

08:00pm – Il-Forti Sant’Iermu

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Il-pubbliku huwa mistieden biex juża l-mikrofonu, li se jkun ħieles, fi spirtu mieles, fi spazju jmiss mal-baħar Mediterran. Kull storja, poeżija jew kanzunetta hi merħba biha. It-traduzzjoni hija l-lingwa ta’ dan il-Festival, u għalhekk kull ilsien jew djalett huma milqugħa b’idejn beraħ.

L-awturi mistienda tal-Festival se jkunu l-mistiedna speċjali tagħna.

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The public is invited to use the mic, which will be open, as will be our spirit, in a space touching the Mediterranean sea. Any story, poem or song are welcome. Translation is the language of this Festival, and thus every tongue or dialect are more than welcome.

The invited authors of the Festival will be our special guests.

More info here

Il-Ġimgħa 26 ta’ AwwissuIljieli fil-Forti

08:00 pm – Il-Forti Sant’Iermu

fmlm22 poster event sponsors

F’din il-lejla se jkollna fuq il-palk lil Claudio Pozzani (poeżija); Antoinette Borg (proża); Aleks Farrugia (proża); u Bella Cox (poeżija). The Velts se jipprovdu sett ta’ tliet kanzunetti, waqt li l-band immexxija minn Effie Azzopardi se tipprovdi interludji mużikali.

Biljetti jistgħu jinkisbu minn hawn.

This evening we will have on stage Claudio Pozzani (poetry); Antoinette Borg (prose); Aleks Farrugia (prose); and Bella Cox (poetry). The Velts will provide us with three of their numbers, while the resident band led by Effie Azzopardi will provide a musical interlude.

Tickets can be acquired from here.

Is-Sibt 27 ta’ AwwissuIljieli fil-Forti

08:00 pm – Il-Forti Sant’Iermu

fmlm22 poster event sponsors

F’din il-lejla se jkollna fuq il-palk lil Julia Musakovska (poeżija); Jacobo Bergareche (proża); Lamis Saidi (poeżija); u Adrian Grima (poeżija). The New Victorians se jipprovdu sett ta’ tliet kanzunetti, waqt li l-band immexxija minn Effie Azzopardi se tipprovdi interludji mużikali.

L-awturi mistiedna kollha se jagħlqu b’encore u wara DJ Bob se jipprovdi l-mużika għal ftit aktar ħin fis-seħer tal-Forti.

Biljetti jistgħu jinkisbu minn hawn.

This evening we will have on stage Julia Musakovska (poetry); Jacobo Bergareche (prose); Lamis Saidi (poetry); and Adrian Grima (poetry). The New Victorians will provide us with three of their numbers, while the resident band led by Effie Azzopardi will provide a musical interlude.

All invited authors will close the Festival with an encore, and then DJ Bob will provide the music to prolong our stay at the beautiful Fort.

Tickets can be acquired from here.

Il-Programm Stampat