Inizjamed qed terġa’ tieħu sehem fil-festival virtwali tal-poeżija tat-tama mtella’ minn Versopolis mill-21 ta’ Jannar sat-28 ta’ Frar 2021. Iktar dettalji u ħoloq hawn taħt.
Inizjamed is taking part again in the online festival of the poetry of hope, organised by Versopolis, between 21 January and 28 February 2021. Links and details below.

English version below.
“Ngħollu leħinna mill-Mediterran!”
Qed ngħixu żmien iebes. Żmien ta’ konfini tanġibbli u oħrajn metaforiċi, li qed inaqqrulna l-fiduċja li għandu jkun hemm bejnietna. Żmien li fih għandna bżonn ta’ iktar mogħdrija, iktar arti, iktar espressjoni. Inizjamed qed tressaq erba’ kittieba Maltin — Immanuel Mifsud, Priscilla Cassar, Lara Calleja u Adrian Grima — li jsemmgħu leħinhom, għax dak hu li jagħmilhom bnedmin.
Tistgħu issegwu l-Festival tat-Tama, u taraw il-filmati, minn dawn il-ħoloq:
“Speaking up from the Mediterranean!”
We are facing a difficult time, a time of literal and metaphorical borders, which are leading to a lack of trust between us. A time in which we need more empathy, we need more art and we need to speak up. Inizjamed is presenting four Maltese authors, Immanuel Mifsud, Priscilla Cassar, Lara Calleja and Adrian Grima who speak up because this is what makes them human.
You can follow the Festival of Hope, and watch the videos, from the following links: