Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
Siltiet / Excerpts 2021

Siltiet / Excerpts 2021

Togħma żgħira tal-kitbiet tal-awturi mistiedna għall-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta 2021. Biljetti minn ShowsHappening.

A taster for the works of the authors taking part in the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2021. Tickets from ShowsHappening.


Ghayath Almadhoun. Photo by Marte Visser.

Last year, to mention just one example, a boat carrying refugees died of a heart attack. When the first rescue ship arrived, the Mediterranean Sea had drowned. They found the water gasping for breath, the waves soaked through and the European Union trying to hang on to a piece of wreckage from the boat in order to survive. They didn’t find the children.


Leanne Ellul. Photo by Giola Cassar.

Idejk arzell
pali jfesdqu ġismek battiljar.
Għadam għadam igeżwruh.
Mgħawweġ balena.
Mitluqa max-xatt.
Mitluqa għal riħha.


Miriam Calleja. Photo by Kurt Paris.

Bis-sogħla qomt dalgħodu
u skużi oqtolni
f’dawn it-toroq kollha skużi ħofor
imkissrin u skużi mħarbtin
imbasta nibnu s-skużi high-rise
u t-tajn nirfsuh mal-art


Katerina Iliopoulou. Photo by Yiannis Isidorou.

Every tree receives the wind differently
Some suffer others resist
(I met a palm tree that gave birth to the wind and distributed it
in every direction)
Others shake all over and change colors.
I of course am not a tree


Inua Ellams. Photo by Andy Lo Pὀ.

I want to tell my twin sister I love her but what I really mean is her arm around my waist when we were half-formed halflings in mother’s womb is the closest I’ve ever been to God / I want to tell my mother I love her but mean I want to spoon the arthritis out of her swollen knuckles and kiss them back to nimble freedom


John Portelli. Photo by Andrew Zarb.

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