Koordinazzjoni tal-interventi mużikali waqt il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta: Jes Psaila
Il-Ħamis 24 ta’ Awwissu | Thursday 24 August
Sandro Zerafa (guitar) and Oliver Degabriele (double bass)
Sandro Zerafa, Malta’s renowned jazz export, teams up with fellow jazz expatriate Oliver Degabriele for an intimate set of revisited gems from the Great American Songbook coupled with some Latin American classics. Sandro and Oliver are both based in Paris and have been collaborating on many different projects in Malta and abroad for the past 10 years.

Il-Ġimgħa 25 u s-Sibt 26 ta’ Awwissu | Friday 25 and Saturday 26 August
Jimmy Bartolo (guitar) and John Bartolo (drums)
Heart of Darkness is a music collaboration between brothers Jimmy and John Bartolo using drones, loops, noise, and improvised psychedialia. Though currently known only to those who have attended their shows under the moniker ‘huh?’, John and Jimmy Bartolo plan to make waves with Heart of Darkness in the music scene with their eccentric and unconventional sound.