Il-Kittieba u l-Performers Mistiedna Għall-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta 2023
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Werrej tal-Mistiedna
Il-Kittieba Prinċipali
Adania Shibli

Adania Shibli (Palestina, 1974) kitbet rumanzi, drammi, novelli u esejs narrattivi. Rebħet il-Qattan Young Writer’s Award – Palestine darbtejn: darba fl-2001 bir-rumanz tagħha Masaas (Al-Adab, 2002; tradott bħala Touch, Clockroot, 2009) u darb’oħra fl-2003 b’Kulluna Ba’id bethat al Miqdar aan el-Hub (Al-Adab, 2002; tradott bħala We Are All Equally Far from Love, Clockroot, 2012). L-iktar rumanz reċenti tagħha Tafsil Thanawi (Al-Adab, 2017, tradott bħala Minor Detail, Fitzcarraldo Edition/UK, u New Directions/USA, 2020) kien fil-lista qasira għall-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb fl-2020 u fl-2021 kien nominat għall-International Booker Prize. Shibli tieħu sehem fir-riċerka akkademika u ilha mill-2012 tgħallem part-time fl-Università ta’ Birzeit fil-Palestina. Fil-ħarifa tal-2021 kienet Friedrich Dürrenmatt Guest Professor for World Literature fl-Università ta’ Bern fl-Iżvizzera. Shibli hija bħalissa kittieba residenti tal-PWG Stiftung and the Literaturhaus f’Zürich.
Ritratt ta’ Hartwig Klappert.
Claudia Gauci
Claudia Gauci tgħallem il-Malti fil-Junior College. Hija tikteb u tittraduċi wkoll. Fl-2022 ippubblikat it-tieni ġabra ta’ poeżiji tagħha, Max-Xatt tat-Tamarisk, (Kotba Calleja). Ittraduċiet diversi kotba tat-tfal għall-Malti għal Merlin Publishers, fosthom, Magni taż-Żmien li kien rebbieħ tal-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb fl-2019. Hija membru attiva tal-organizzazzjoni Inizjamed.
Ritratt ta’ Ruben Buhagiar.

Joelle Taylor

Joelle Taylor hija l-awtriċi ta’ erba’ ġabriet tal-poeżija. L-iktar waħda reċenti, C+NTO & Othered Poems rebħet it-T.S. Eliot Prize fl-2021 u l-Polari Book Prize għal kittieba LGBT fl-2022. Bħalissa C+UNTO qiegħed jiġi addattat għat-teatru bil-ħsieb li l-produzzjoni ddur diversi lokalitajiet. Joelle hija ko-kuratur u preżentatriċi ta’ Out-Spoken Live fis-Southbank Centre u tippreżenta xogħolha kemm lokalment u kemm barra minn pajjiżha, mill-Awstralja sal-Brażil. Hija wkoll Poetry Fellow tal-Università ta’ East Anglia u l-kuratur tal-Koestler Awards 2023. Kienet fuq il-ġurija ta’ diversi premji letterarji, inkluż il-Jerwood Fellowship, il-Forward Prize u l-Ondaatje Prize. Ir-rumanz tagħha magħmul minn stejjer interkonnessi, The Night Alphabet, se jiġi ppubblikat minn Riverrun fir-rebbiegħa tal-2024. Hija Fellow tar-Royal Society of Literature u is-Saboteur Spoken Word Artist of the Year tal-2022. L-iktar xogħol reċenti tagħha fir-reċtar hija parti fi Blue ta’ Derek Jarman, dirett minn Neil Bartlett u li fih ħadu sehem ukoll Russell Tovey, Jay Bernard u Travis Alabanza. Blue huwa eżawrit iżda hemm aktar dati ppjanati għal quddiem.
Ritratt ta’ Roman Manfredi.
Karin Tidbeck
Karin Tidbeck huma r-rebbieħa tal-Crawford Award u finalisti tal-World Fantasy Award. Tidbeck jiktbu stejjer ta’ finzjoni spekulattiva bl-Iżvediż u l-Ingliż. Iddebuttaw fl-2012 bil-ġabra Jagannath u wara ħarġu Amatka u The Memory Theater. In-novelli tagħhom dehru f’, Uncanny Magazine, Lightspeed u oħrajn. Ħadu sehem fi proġetti oħrajn bħal avventuri bir-roleplaying, finzjoni interattiva u xogħol ta’ traduzzjoni.
Ritratt ta’ Patrik Åkervinda.

Maria Grech Ganado

Maria Grech Ganado (1943), ippublikat disa’ ġabriet ta’ poeżiji bil-Malti jew bl-Ingliż, li erbgħa minnhom rebħu l-Premju Nazzjonali. Ittraduċiet kittieba Maltin għall-Ingliż. Fl-2005 stiednet għall-ewwel darba f’Malta lil-LAF biex ma’ Inizjamed jorganizzaw Symposium f’Malta. Ħadet sehem fl-edizzjonijiet tal-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta tal-2006, 2007 u 2013. Ittraduċiet għall-Malti xogħol ta’ Valda Melgalve (Latvja) fil-2006. Bil-ġabra tagħha Framed (2018, Merlin Publishers) rebħet l-ewwel Premju Malti tal-Poeta Lawreata. L-aħħar ġabra ta’ poeżiji tagħha hi The Bell (2023, Kotba Calleja).
Ritratt ta’ Kenneth Scicluna.
Simone Inguanez
Simone Inguanez (1971) hija kittieba, traduttriċi, editriċi, u strateġista impenjata fil-qasam tad-dritt marbut mal-arti u l-kultura. Hija ggradwat fid-dritt, issuktat bl-istudji tagħha fix-xjenzi soċjali u fil-lingwa, filwaqt li tkissret sew fil-qasam tal-politika kulturali. Hija serviet fil-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti sa mit-twaqqif tiegħu, u kienet attiva sew f’diversi għaqdiet. Il-pubblikazzjonijiet tagħha jinkludu poeżiji, traduzzjonijiet, u proġetti kollaborattivi.
Simone hi l-awtriċi ta’ ftit mara ftit tifla (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2005), u water, fire, earth and I (Tr. Maria Grech Ganado, Contemporary Maltese Writers in Translation, Inizjamed u Midsea Books, 2005), u koawtriċi ta’ 7 poets 4 days 1 book (Texas: Trinity Press, 2009). It-traduzzjoni tagħha Il-Familja Frattarija u d-Dar li Tagħtas (Xogħol oriġinali: Kari Smeland, Illustrazzjoni: Francesca Grech, Pubblikazzjoni: Merlin, 2021) rċeviet il-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb. Fl-2007, ħadet sehem fir-residenza tal-kittieba tal-International Writing Programme (IWP) ospitata mill-Università t’Iowa.
Ritratt ta’ Thomas Langdon.

Tanja Bakić

Tanja Bakić għandha PhD fil-letteratura Ingliża mill-Università ta’ Montenegro u għamlet żmien riċerkatriċi viżitatura f’Harvard.
Bakić hija poeta, traduttriċi u kompożitriċi tal-mużika. Kitbet ħames ġabriet ta’ poeżija li ntlaqgħu tajjeb ħafna mill-kritika. L-ewwel waħda ippubblikatha meta kellha biss ħmistax-il sena mentri l-aħħar ġabra, Intertext, ħarġet fl-2020. Il-poeżiji tagħha ittraduċewhom fi ħmistax-il lingwa differenti u ġew ippreżentati waqt festivals kif ukoll ippubblikati f’magażins internazzjonali u antoloġiji fl-Ingilterra, l-Amerka, l-Awstralja, il-Ġappun, l-Indja, Dubaj, Franza, il-Ġermanja, l-Awstrija u l-Greċja.
Tanja Bakić ingħatat diversi fellowships, fosthom is-Central European Initiative Fellowship for the Writers for the Year 2016 (Vilenica Festival, Slovenja). Ippreżentat artiklu akkademiku f’Tate Britain bl-isem ta’ William Blake in Former Yugoslavia li ġie inkluż f’ġabra ta’ kitbiet akkademiċi maħruġa minn Bloomsbury fl-2019.
Ritratt ta’ D. Vojinovic.
Parteċipanti tal-European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists (EFFEA)
FELISPEAKS huma poeta, artist u drammaturgu Niġerjani-Irlandiżi minn County Longford ibbażati f’Dublin. FELISPEAKS kienu nnominati għal ‘Best Performer’ fid-Dublin Fringe Festival f’Settembru 2018 u fl-2022 rebħu f’din l-istess kategorija. F’Ġunju 2020 inħatru membru tal-Poetry Ireland Board of Directors. Felicia huma wkoll membru tal-kollettiv tal-poeżija WeAreGriot. FELISPEAKS huma artist residenti ma’ Axis Ballymun u Visual Carlow kif ukoll artist assoċjat ma’ THISISPOPBABY. Il-poeżija ta’ FELISPEAKS ‘For Our Mothers’ tinsab fil-Kurrikulu taċ-Ċertifikat tat-Tluq ta’ Livell Ordinarju għall-eżamijiet tal-2023 u l-2025, bħalma hi wkoll il-poeżija ‘Rainbow Blood’ għall-2025. Fl-2020 FELISPEAKS ġew ikkommissjonati biex jiktbu xogħol ġdid għal The Big Picture fuq RTÉ dwar in-normal il-ġdid. Din il-poeżija, li jismha ‘Still’, intlaqgħet tajjeb ħafna u nqrat lil udjenzi mal-Irlanda kollha.
Bħalissa FELISPEAKS qed jieħdu gost ħafna jiktbu l-poeżiji u jorqmu rappreżentazzjonijiet li jħeġġu lill-udjenza tintelaq fuq traġitt emozzjonali. FELISPEAKS iħossuhom onorati li jistgħu jaqsmu l-ħsibijiet u l-passjonijiet tagħhom dwar il-ħajja fuq il-palk. FELISPEAKS jixtiequ jqanqlu ħsieb, eċitament u viżjoni. FELISPEAKS qed jistennew bil-ħerqa l-ħruġ ta’ ‘Tough Meat’, proġett li ħadmu fuqu ma’ Purgatory Studios. Jinsabu eċitati li se juru lat differenti tagħhom: poeżija u mużika bħal qatt qabel!
Ritratt ta’ Davey Sexton.

Tobi Bello

Tobi Bello hija artista multidixxiplinarja Niġerjana/Irlandiża. L-arti viżiva u l-mużika tagħha jinsġu mill-ġdid in-narrattivi diasporiċi permezz tal-interazzjoni bejn l-emozzjonijiet umani u l-art, filwaqt li jirrikonċiljaw l-impatt bijopsikosoċjali tal-assimilazzjoni.
Noah Fabri
Noah Fabri twieled fl-1999 u studja l-antropoloġija. Tikteb il-mużika, il-proża u t-teatru. Tipparteċipa f’komunitajiet tal-arti DIY fejn tgħallmet diversi prattiċi kollaborattivi li bihom toħloq xogħolha. Hija parti mill-kollettiva mużikali Karmaġenn li ħarġu żewġ albums bejn l-2019 u l-2023. Noah huwa wkoll parti minn Geġwiġija, komunità mibnija madwar librerija temporanja.

Ġagħel Dingli

Ġagħel twieldet Malta u studjat iż-żfin kontemporanju fi Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance f’Londra, fejn iggradwat fl-Ewwel Klassi. Kompliet it-taħriġ tagħha ma’ Elephant in the Black Box Company f’Madrid bħala apprendista, fejn ħadmet ma’ diversi mistednin speċjali.
Meta saret iktar konxja ta’ kemm il-ġisem għandu potenzjal komunikattiv, Ġagħel bdiet tinteressa ruħha iktar dwar l-espressjoni politika tal-ġisem fi spazji u kuntesti differenti, imnebbħa mill-kundizzjoni umana u realtajiet soċjali rikorrenti. Temmen ħafna bil-kollaborazzjoni bejn spazji u dixxiplini differenti, kif ukoll fl-inklużjoni ta’ spettru usa’ tal-komunità.
Dan l-aħħar esegwixxiet xogħlijiet ta’ Ido Giron u Justin Roy Barker waqt il-Malta International Arts Festival 2023.
Tatev Chakhian
Tatev Chakian twieldet f’Yerevan, l-Armenja, fl-1992. Hija poeta, traduttriċi u artista viżwali bbażata fil-Polonja.
Fl-2016, wara bosta snin tikkollabora fuq proġetti tal-poeżija, Chakian ippubblikat l-ewwel volum bix-xogħol tagħha jismu unIDentical. Il-ktieb huwa dokument ‘mhux uffiċjali’ li joffri lill-qarrejja traġitt mir-realtà personali tal-poeta għal waħda soċjali, u jistedinhom sabiex jimirħu fil- u bejn dawn l-ispazji. Il-ktieb ġie ppubblikat bil-Pollakk wara li kien innominat għat-2018 European Poet of Freedom, il-ħames edizzjoni tal-Literary Award of the City of Gdansk.
Siltiet mill-poeżiji tagħha inqalbu, fost oħrajn, għall-Ġermaniż, iċ-Ċek, il-Persjan, il-Grieg, l-Ispanjol, il-Georgjan, ir-Rumen, il-Katalan, il-Bengali, il-Maċedonjan u l-Olandiż. Għandha wkoll xogħlijiet ippubblikati f’diversi ġabriet u magażins letterarji.
Fl-2015, Tatev Chakian ingħatat l-ewwel premju letterarju Sahak Partev mingħand The All Armenian Catholicos Garegin II, flimkien mal-Premju Letterarju tal-Mara tal-President tal-Aremnja. Fl-2016 ingħatat il-premju annwali tal-magażin Pollakk ‘Obywatelska’ u fl-2017 rebħet il-premju letterarju Pollakk minn Dionis Maliszewski.
Ritratt ta’ Marek Jurkow.

Il-Parteċipanta minn Ulysses’ Shelter
Ruqaya Izzidien

Ruqaya Izzidien hija kittieba Iraqija-Welsh. Fl-2018, l-ewwel rumanz tagħha, The Watermelon Boys, rebaħ il-Betty Trask Award għal awturi debuttanti ta’ taħt il-35 sena. Kienet kittieba residenti tal-Fiera tal-Ktieb ta’ Londra f’Sharjah u kkontribwiet f’Just So You Know (2020), ġabra ta’ esejs minn kittieba Welsh. In-novella tagħha ‘Tattletale’ kienet ikkommissjonata minn BBC Radio 4.
Bħala ġurnalista, xogħolha deher fin-New York Times, Al Jazeera, New Statesman, The New Arab, The National u l-BBC. Għandha blog jismu ‘Muslim Impossible’ fejn fih Izzidien tikkummenta dwar rappreżentazzjonijiet inkorretti tal-Għarab u l-Musulmani fuq it-televixin, fiċ-ċinema u fil-letteratura.
Ritratt ta’ Mosa’ab Elshamy.

The Writers and Performers of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2023
Guest Index
The Main Authors
Adania Shibli

Adania Shibli (Palestine, 1974) has written novels, plays, short stories and narrative essays. She has twice been awarded with the Qattan Young Writer’s Award-Palestine in 2001 on her novel Masaas (Al-Adab, 2002; translated as Touch, Clockroot, 2009), and in 2003 on her novel Kulluna Ba’id bethat al Miqdar aan el-Hub (Al-Adab, 2002; translated as We Are All Equally Far from Love, Clockroot, 2012). Her latest is the novel Tafsil Thanawi (Al-Adab, 2017, translated as Minor Detail, Fitzcarraldo Edition/UK, and New Directions/USA, 2020), which was shortlisted for the National Book Award in 2020, and in 2021 it was nominated for the International Booker Prize. Shibli is also engaged in academic research and since 2012 she has been teaching part time at Birzeit University, Palestine. In the fall of 2021, she was a Friedrich Dürrenmatt Guest Professor for World Literature, University of Bern, Switzerland. Shibli is currently the writer-in-residence of the PWG Stiftung and the Literaturhaus in Zürich.
Photo by Hartwig Klappert.
Claudia Gauci
Claudia Gauci teaches Maltese Literature at the Junior College. She is also a writer and translator. In 2022 she published her second collection of poems entitled, Max-Xatt tat-Tamarisk published by Kotba Calleja. She translated various books for children for Merlin Publishers, and won first prize with one of them, Magni taż-Żmien, in the National Book Prize in 2019. She is an active member of Inizjamed.
Photo by Ruben Buhagiar.

Joelle Taylor

Joelle Taylor is the author of 4 collections of poetry. Her most recent collection C+NTO & Othered Poems won the 2021 T.S. Eliot Prize, and the 2022 Polari Book Prize for LGBT authors. C+NTO is currently being adapted for theatre with a view to touring. She is a cocurator and host of Out-Spoken Live at the Southbank Centre, and tours her work nationally and internationally in a diverse range of venues, from Australia to Brazil. She is also a Poetry Fellow of University of East Anglia and the curator of the Koestler Awards 2023. She has judged several poetry and literary prizes including Jerwood Fellowship, the Forward Prize, and the Ondaatje Prize. Her novel of interconnecting stories The Night Alphabet will be published by Riverrun in Spring of 2024. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, and the 2022 Saboteur Spoken Word Artist of the Year. Her most recent acting role was in Blue by Derek Jarman, which was directed by Neil Bartlett and featured Russell Tovey, Jay Bernard, and Travis Alabanza. Blue sold out its run across the UK and more dates are expected for the future.
Photo by Roman Manfredi.
Karin Tidbeck
Crawford Award winner and World Fantasy Award finalist Karin Tidbeck writes speculative fiction in Swedish and English. They debuted in 2012 with the collection Jagannath, followed by the novels Amatka and The Memory Theater. Their short fiction has appeared at, Uncanny Magazine, Lightspeed and more. Other projects include roleplaying adventures, interactive fiction, and translation work.
Photo by Patrik Åkervinda.

Maria Grech Ganado

Maria Grech Ganado (1943 in Malta) read English at the Universities of Malta and Cambridge (Girton College) and was a University Lecturer (English Department) till she retired. She writes in both Maltese and English and her poetry has been translated into 15 languages, appearing in diverse literary publications. She has also translated contemporary Maltese texts into English. Two of her four collections of Maltese poetry have won the National Book Prize, as have two of her four English ones. She won Malta’s first Poet Laureate award in 2020. Invited to many foreign events, she co-organised (with Literature Across Frontiers and Inizjamed) an international seminar in Malta in 2005. Maria received the State’s Medal for Service to the Republic in 2000, the National Book Council award for valuable contribution to Literature in 2015 and her hometown’s (Floriana) Shield of Honour in 2017. In 2023, she was awarded an Honoris Causa Doctorate of Literature by the University of Malta. Maria has 3 children and 3 grandchildren. Her latest poetry collection is The Bell (2023, Kotba Calleja).
Photo by Kenneth Scicluna.
Simone Inguanez
Simone Inguanez (1971) is a writer, translator, editor, and arts strategist committed in the area of rights relating to culture and the arts. She graduated in Laws, furthered her studies in human sciences and language, and gained vast experience in the area of cultural policy. She has served on the Maltese Language Council since its inception in 2005, and was highly engaged in various organisations. Her publications include poetry, translation, and collaborative projects.
She is the author of ftit mara ftit tifla [part woman part child] (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2005), and water, fire, earth and I (Tr. Maria Grech Ganado, Contemporary Maltese Writers in Translation, Inizjamed u Midsea Books, 2005), and co-author of 7 poets 4 days 1 book (Texas: Trinity Press, 2009). Her translation Il-Familja Frattarija u d-Dar li Tagħtas (Xogħol oriġinali: Kari Smeland, Illustrazzjoni: Francesca Grech, Pubblikazzjoni: Merlin, 2021) received the National Book Prize. In 2007, she was the recipient of a writer’s residency at the International Writing Programme (IWP) hosted by the University of Iowa.
Photo by Thomas Langdon.

Tanja Bakić

Tanja Bakić holds a PhD in British literature from the University of Montenegro. She is a published poet, translator and music writer. She was a visiting researcher at Harvard. She is the author of five highly-praised poetry collections, her debut being published when she was only 15, and the last one, Intertext in 2020. Her poems have been translated into fifteen foreign languages, presented at festivals abroad, published in international magazines and anthologies (produced in the UK, USA, Australia, Japan, India, Dubai, France, Germany, Austria, Greece, etc.) and she has been awarded fellowships several times, one of these being the Central European Initiative Fellowship for the Writers for the year 2016 (Vilenica festival Slovenia). The paper she presented at the Tate Britain in London entitled William Blake in the Former Yugoslavia came out in an edited collection of papers published by Bloomsbury in 2019.
Photo by D. Vojinovic.
The European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists (EFFEA) Participants
FELISPEAKS is a Nigerian-Irish Poet, Performer, Playwright from Co. Longford; currently based in Dublin City. FELISPEAKS has been nominated ‘Best Performer’ by Dublin Fringe Festival September 2018 and went on to win ‘Best Performer’ in 2022. As well as being a Member of the Poetry Ireland Board of Directors appointed June 2020, Felicia is a member of the Poetry Collective, WeAreGriot. FELISPEAKS is an Artist-in-Residence with Axis Ballymun and Visual Carlow, in addition to being an Associate Artist with THISISPOPBABY. FELISPEAKS’ poem: ‘For Our Mothers’ is in the English Ordinary Level Leaving Cert Curriculum for examination year 2023 and 2025, as is their poem Rainbow Blood for 2025. In 2020, FELISPEAKS was commissioned a new piece for RTÉ’s The Big Picture on the theme of ‘the New Normal’ – this poem, entitled Still captured the minds of the nation and has been performed to audiences all over the country.
FELISPEAKS is currently enjoying creating poetry and performance pieces that always promise to introduce their audience to the journey of emotion in every story. Honored to share their thought processes about life’s experiences and their passions on stage; FELISPEAKS hopes to inspire thought, excitement and perspective. FELISPEAKS is eagerly awaiting the release of their upcoming single TOUGH MEAT – that they’ve been working on with Purgatory Studios, they are so excited to show you a new side to themselves, poetry and music like never before!
Photo by Davey Sexton.

Tobi Bello

Tobi Bello is an Nigerian/Irish multidisciplinary artist whose visual art and music re-weave the diasporic narratives through the interplay of human emotions and land, while reconciling with the biopsychosocial impacts of assimilation.
Noah Fabri
Noah Fabri (1999) studied anthropology. They write music, prose and playscripts. They participate in artistic DIY collectives, learning various collaborative practices with which to create their work. They are also part of the musical collective Karmaġenn, with whom they released two albums between 2019 and 2013. Noah are also part of Geġwiġija, a community built around a temporary library.

Ġagħel Dingli

Hailing from the tiny island of Malta, Ġagħel studied contemporary dance at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London, graduating with a first class degree. She then furthered her training with Elephant in the Black Box Company in Madrid as an apprentice, working with numerous guest artists. Realising the communicative potential of the body, Ġagħel’s interest lies in the politicality of the body in different spaces and contexts, drawing upon the human condition and recurring social realities. She values collaboration across disciplines and spaces, in a constant search to reach different parts of the broader community.
She has recently performed works by Ido Gidron and Justin Roy Barker in the Malta International Arts Festival 2023.
Tatev Chakhian
Tatev Chakhian is a Poland-based Armenian poet, translator and visual artist, born in 1992 in Yerevan.
After several years of collaborative poetry projects, in 2016 she published her first volume of poetry titled “unIDentical”. The book is an “unofficial document” which grants the reader a passage from the poet’s personal reality to the social one allowing them to wander in and between the spaces. The book was nominated for the 2018 European Poet of Freedom – the 5th edition of the Literary Award of the City of Gdansk and got published in Polish.
Selections of her poetry have been translated into German, Czech, Persian, Greek, Spanish, Georgian, Romanian, Catalan, Bengali, Macedonian, Dutch etc. and have been published in anthologies and literary magazines worldwide.
In 2015 Tatev Chakhian was honoured with the Sahak Partev first literary prize from The All Armenian Catholicos Garegin II, later with the Literary Award of the first lady of Armenia. In 2016 Chakhian received the annual prize of “Obywatelska” Polish magazine and the in 2017 got the Polish literary award by Dionis Maliszewski.
Photo by Marek Jurkow.

The Ulysses’ Shelter Participant
Ruqaya Izzidien

Ruqaya Izzidien is an Iraqi-Welsh writer. Her debut novel, The Watermelon Boys received a Betty Trask Award in 2018 for first-time novelists under 35. She served as the London Book Fair’s writer-in-residence in Sharjah, and contributed to Just So You Know (2020), a collection of essays from Welsh writers. Her short story, Tattletale was commissioned by BBC Radio 4.
As a journalist, her work has appeared in the New York Times, Al Jazeera, the New Statesman, The New Arab, The National, and the BBC. She runs the blog, Muslim Impossible, which reviews inaccurate depictions of Arabs and Muslims in television, film and literature.
Photo by Mosa’ab Elshamy.