Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
Month: <span>February 2023</span>

Annie Ernaux: Matul is-Snin – 2 ta’ Marzu 2023

Annie Ernaux ma teħtieġx introduzzjonijiet. F’din l-attività se nisimgħu qari minn kitbietha bil-Franċiż u bil-Malti, uħud minnhom tradotti speċifikament għal din l-okkażjoni. / Annie Ernaux needs no introduction. During this event we will listen to readings in both French and Maltese, some texts having been translated specifically for this evening.

Linja Ħamra – 1 u 2 ta’ April 2023

L-ewwel edizzjoni tal-Festival tal-Letteratura Għawdxi, organizzat mill-Kunsill Reġjonali t’Għawdex u minn Inizjamed, se jsir nhar is-Sibt l-1 u l-Ħadd it-2 ta’ April 2023. Il-qari se jseħħ f’diversi lokalitajiet madwar Għawdex. / The first edition of the Gozo Literature Festival, organised by the Gozo Regional Council and Inizjamed, will be held on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 April 2023. Readings will be held in different locations around Gozo.

Linja Ħamra 2023 – Il-Programm

L-ewwel edizzjoni tal-Festival tal-Letteratura Għawdxi, organizzat mill-Kunsill Reġjonali t’Għawdex u minn Inizjamed, se jsir nhar is-Sibt l-1 u l-Ħadd it-2 ta’ April 2023. Il-qari se jseħħ f’diversi lokalitajiet madwar Għawdex. / The first edition of the Gozo Literature Festival, organised by the Gozo Regional Council and Inizjamed, will be held on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 April 2023. Readings will be held in different locations around Gozo.