Għaddiet ġimgħa mill-aħħar lejl fil-Forti, mill-aħħar nifs li ħareġ minnu l-poeżija, u għalhekk ġejna mislufa ftit taż-żmien biex nirriflettu fuq x’fisser il-Festival.
Il-preludju taż-żewġt iljieli fil-Forti kien il-Palk Ħieles, li kien speċjali. Il-Palk Ħieles huwa tal-pubbliku, u kienet din l-enerġija speċjali tiegħu li mbuttat lill-Festival ’il quddiem — bil-paċenzja tiegħu meta fil-bidu l-affarijiet ma mxewx ħarir, b’kull apprezzament sieket, b’ kull ċapċipa, biżżejjed biex bejn il-palk u s-siġġijiet kien baqa’ biss distanza soċjali imposta miċ-ċirkustanzi.
Grazzi minn qalbna!
A week has already slid past since the last night at Fort St Elmo, since the last breath that birthed a poem, giving us some time to think about what this Festival has meant for us.
We had a cracker of a prelude with the Open Mic, which we also held at Fort St Elmo. The Open Mic belongs to the public, and it was the public that sent its energy our way, carrying us and the Festival forward — with its patience when we had technical issues at the beginning, with its silent appreciation, with its applause. In the end, the only distance between the stage and the audience was the social distance imposed by circumstances.
We thank you deeply.