Dawn huma l-kittieba mistiedna għall-festival ta’ din is-sena. Agħfas fuq kull kull ritratt, jew fuq l-ismijiet hawn taħt, biex issir taf iktar dwarhom. #FMLM2019
Rasha Abbas, Astrid Alben, Rena Balzan, Antoine Cassar, Yolanda Castaño, Sampurna Chattarji, Elizabeth Grech, Eric Ngalle Charles, Yolanda Pantin, Davide Rondoni, Habib Tengour, Loranne Vella.
Meet the authors invited to this year’s festival. Click on each picture, or on the names above, to read the respective biographies. #MMLF2019
Rasha Abbas Astrid Alben (Philip Hancock) Rena Balzan (Mario Mintoff) Antoine Cassar (Sunshine Coast Writers Festival) Yolanda Castaño Sampurna Chattarji (Richard Hooton) Elizabeth Grech (Virginia Monteforte) Eric Ngalle Charles (Paul Musso at Hay Festival) Yolanda Pantin (Sergio Rosales Medina) Davide Rondoni Habib Tengour Loranne Vella (Kenneth Scicluna)