Għaddiet kważi ġimgħa, imma seta’ kien seklu jew ilbieraħ. Seta’ kien biss nifs ilu, jew taħbita qalb, jew ħarsa ta’ stennija. Mhux li kien għadu kollox se jerġa’ jibda. L-unika konsolazzjoni hi li jekk għadda dal-festival, mela daqt se jibda x-xogħol fuq li jmiss. U fuq l-avvenimenti kollha li se jkollna fis-sena li ġejja. Grazzi mill-qalb lill-awturi, lill-udjenza, lit-tim, lill-voluntiera kollha, lill-bands, lill-filmmakers, lill-għaqdiet, lill-fornituri, lill-isponsors. Mingħajrkom is-sbuħija li għexna kienet tibqa’ biss ħolma.
It’s been almost a week. But it could have been ages, or simply yesterday. It could have been a breath ago, or a heartbeat, or an eager look of yearning. If only it were all still about to happen. The only comfort lies in the fact that with this festival over, work is going to start on the next. And on all the events that are going to happen in the intervening year. The deepest sort of gratitude goes out to our invited authors, to the audience, to the team, to all the volunteers, to the bands, to the filmmakers, to the organisations who help out, to the suppliers, to our sponsors. Without you, the beauty we shared with you all would have remained but a dream. Thank you!