1. Are the readings in Maltese or in English?
The authors read in both English and Maltese. Some of the authors will also read in their mother tongue. This year we will have the opportunity to listen to Greek and Arabic.
Il-qari jsir bil-Malti jew bl-Ingliż?
L-awturi jaqraw bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż. Xi awturi jaqraw ukoll bl-ilsien nattiv tagħhom, bħall- Għarbi, Franċiż, Taljan, Spanjol jew lingwi oħrajn.
2. How long will every night at the Fort last?
The Festival lasts two hours every night.
Kemm iddum kull lejla fil-Forti?
Kull lejla ddum sagħtejn.
3. What about Covid-19?
Security will be a priority. Social distance will be strictly adhered to and the attendance will be limited. A vaccine certificate is required at the door, and the audience is asked to be seated at all times. Masks are to be worn at all times.
U l-Covid-19?
Is-sigurtà se tkun prijorità. Id-distanza soċjali se tinżamm b’mod strett u l-attendenza se tkun limitata. Se jintalab ċertifikat tal-vaċċin, se tittieħed it-temperatura ta’ kulħadd, u l-udjenza se tkun bilqiegħda l-ħin kollu. Il-maskri għandhom jintlibsu f’kull ħin.
4. Do I need a ticket?
Yes. Due to the new measures, a ticket of €5 is required and can be obtained at showshappening.com, in which everyone is to register their details. Everyone will be welcomed by a good glass of wine offered by Core Green, or any other drink.
Għandi bżonn biljett?
Iva. Minħabba l-miżuri l-ġodda b’rabta mas-sitwazzjoni tal-pandemija, kull persuna trid tikseb biljett minn showshappening.com. Dan il-biljett jiswa €5 għal kull lejla. Kulħadd se jkun milqugħ b’tazza nbid tajjeb pprovduta minn Core Green, jew xi tip ta’ xarba oħra.
5. Will there be books by the authors for sale?
The book stall will be managed by Mallia & D’Amato. They will be offering books by the invited authors. A special discount will be given on the local publications of our invited Maltese authors.
Il-kotba tal-awturi se jkunu għall-bejgħ?
Mallia & D’Amato se jieħdu ħsieb il-bejgħ tal-kotba. Se jkunu qegħdin joffru l-kotba tal- awturi mistiedna. Se jingħata wkoll skont speċjali fuq il-pubblikazzjonijiet lokali tal-awturi Maltin mistiedna.
6. Will there be drinks?
CORE GREEN Organic & Fair Trade will be responsible for the drinks during the Festival. There will be a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
Se jkun hemm xorb?
CORE GREEN Organic & Fair Trade se jieħdu ħsieb ix-xorb waqt il-Festival u se joffru kemm xorb alkoħoliku u mhux.
7. Is it wheelchair accessible?
Yes, there is access for wheelchair users.
Hemm aċċess għas-siġġijiet tar-roti?
Iva, m’hemmx problema ta’ aċċess.
8. What if it rains?
The Festival will still be held in alternate locations on the same premises.
Jekk tagħmel ix-xita?
Il-Festival isir fi mkejjen differenti fl-istess binja.
9. Are Festival events recorded?
Yes, the Festival is recorded. Clips of the Festival will be published on YouTube during the year.
Il-Festival se jkun irrekordjat?
Iva, ikun irrekordjat. Siltiet minnu jitilgħu fuq Facebook matul is-sena.
10. What about the poetry films?
One of the invited authors, Ghayath Almadoun has a poetry film Évian which has won the The Best Poetry Film at the Zebra Poetry Film Festival. This will be shown at the Festival.
U l-films tal-poeżija?
Gayath Almadhoun, wieħed mill-awturi mistiedna, għandu l-film tal-poeżija Évian li rebaħ l-Aqwa Film tal-Poeżija fiż-Zebra Poetry Film Festival. Dan se jintwera matul il-Festival.
11. And music?
Music and literature go together. The Festival has Effie Azzopardi and Kenneth Sacco as resident musicians. Kym Pepe and Michael Azzopardi will also play on Friday and Saturday respectively.
U mużika?
Il-mużika u l-letteratura jmorru id f’id. Effie Azzopardi u Kenneth Sacco se jkunu l-mużiċisti residenti. Kym Pepe u Michael Azzopardi se jdoqqu l-Ġimgħa u s-Sibt rispettivament.
12. Can I take my own photos of the Festival?
The Festival has Virginia Monteforte as its official photographer. However, one can take his/her own photos as long as the following hashtags are used, should one upload them on social media: #mmlf21 #fmlm21 #inizjamed
Nista’ nieħu ritratti tal-Festival?
Il-Festival għandu lil Viriginia Monteforte bħala l-fotografa uffiċjali tiegħu. Madankollu, kulħadd jista’ jieħu r-ritratti u juża dawn il-hashtags meta jtella’ r-ritratti fuq il-midja soċjali: #mmlf21 #fmlm21 #inizjamed