Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival


Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta 2023

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Text in English below.

Werrej tad-dati u l-avvenimenti

Dati f’AwwissuAvvenimenti
Il-Ġimgħa 18Nixtieq nieklok kuljum
It-Tnejn 21Huma min(n) aħna?
It-Tlieta 22Szymborska & The Flying Tablecloth
Il-Ħamis 24Joelle Taylor Masterclass | Palk Ħieles
Il-Ġimgħa 25New Nurturing | L-Ewwel Lejla
Is-Sibt 26It-Tieni Lejla


It-tmintax-il edizzjoni tal-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta organizzat minn Inizjamed se tittella’ mit-Tnejn 21 sas-Sibt 26 ta’ Awwissu 2023. L-attivitajiet kollha se jsiru fil-Valletta Design Cluster u fil-Forti Sant’Iermu, il-Belt Valletta. 

Seba’ kittieba minn ħames pajjiżi differenti se jaqraw waqt il-Festival. Minbarra l-qari, se jkun hemm ukoll films tal-poeżija, banda bil-mużika jazz, kantanti lokali, kotba mingħand Mallia & D’Amato, ikel u xorb.

L-awturi mistiedna għall-edizzjoni ta’ din is-sena huma Tanja Bakić mill-Montenegro, Adania Shibli mill-Palestina, Joelle Taylor mill-Ingilterra, Karin Tidbeck mill-Iżvezja u Claudia Gauci, Maria Grech Ganado u Simone Inguanez minn Malta. 

Il-qari se jkun l-aktar bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż, imma jinqraw ukoll xi xogħlijiet qosra b’lingwi oħrajn.

Il-Festival ta’ din is-sena huwa parti mill-fond ‘Investment in Cultural Organisations’ tal-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti. Huwa wkoll parti mill-pjattaforma Literary Europe Live iffinanzjata mill-programm Ewropa Kreattiva u mmexxija minn Literature Across Frontiers. Il-Festival għandu wkoll l-għajnuna tal-Valletta Design Cluster, Heritage Malta, l-Għaqda tal-Malti – Università u l-Ambaxxata tal-Polonja


Nhar it-Tlieta 8 u l-Erbgħa 9 ta’ Awwissu se jittella’ workshop mat-tfal fl-Imġarr. Imexxu Claudia Gauci u Justine Somerville.

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Nhar il-Ġimgħa 18 ta’ Awwissu fis-1pm se jkun hemm qari għand Ta’ Berta fil-Għargħur. Se jaqraw Simone Inguanez u Ruqaya Izzidien. Sehem Ruqaya huwa parti mir-residenza Ulysses’ Shelter 3 ikkofinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea, mill-NGO Co-Financing Fund tal-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur Volontarju u bi sħab mal-Valletta Design Cluster.

Dħul b’xejn.


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Nhar it-Tnejn 21 ta’ Awwissu, Ray Fabri se jmexxi diskussjoni bl-Ingliż bit-titlu The expression of gender in literary writing. L-awturi li se jipparteċipaw huma Simone Inguanez, Karin Tidbeck, Joelle Taylor u Tanja Bakić.

Post: il-Valletta Design Cluster, il-Belt Valletta. Ħin: 7pm.

Dħul b’xejn.


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Nhar it-Tlieta 22 ta’ Awwissu, il-poeta Antoine Cassar se jmexxi diskussjoni u qari li jikkomemoraw il-mitt sena mit-twelid tal-poeta Pollakka Wisława Szymborska, rebbieħa tal-Premju Nobel. Il-mistieden speċjali se jkun Michał Rusinek, is-segretarju privat tal-poeta. Din l-attività qed isseħħ f’kollaborazzjoni mall-Ambaxxata tal-Polonja.

Post: il-Valletta Design Cluster, il-Belt Valletta. Ħin: 7pm.


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Nhar il-Ħamis 24 ta’ Awwissu, Joelle Taylor se tagħti masterclass.

Taylor se tkun qed tuża wħud mill-għodod li ħaddmet fil-poeżiji rebbieħa tal-Premju TS Eliot, C+NTO & Othered Poems. Din is-sessjoni se tesplora l-kantiku bħala mekkaniżmu għall-kitba fuq il-ħajja, il-ħolqien ta’ forma u l-poetika tal-karattru. Ħejju ruħkom biex tiktbu, tinvestigaw u taqsmu xogħolkom!

Post: il-Valletta Design Cluster, il-Belt Valletta. Ħin: 9am.

Prezz: €45 (jinkludi s-sessjoni, tote bag tal-Festival, u ikel u xorb).

Prezz speċjali għall-istudenti: €35 (jinkludi s-sessjoni, tote bag tal-Festival, u ikel u xorb).

Il-flus jitħallsu dakinhar tal-masterclass.


Booking minn din il-formola.

L-Iljieli fil-Forti

Dawn l-avvenimenti se jittellgħu kollha fil-Forti Sant’Iermu, il-Belt Valletta.

Il-Ħamis 24 ta’ Awwissu

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Fl-ewwel lejla se jkun hemm Palk Ħieles multilingwi. Il-mistiedna speċjali se jkunu Tatev Chakhian u Ruqaya Izzidien. Kittieba, kantanti u kantawturi se jkollhom l-opportunità li jaqraw u jippreżentaw xogħlijiethom fuq il-palk ewlieni tal-Festival. Sehem Ruqaya huwa parti mir-residenza Ulysses’ Shelter 3 ikkofinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea, mill-NGO Co-Financing Fund tal-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur Volontarju u bi sħab mal-Valletta Design Cluster. Sehem Tatev huwa parti mir-residenza appoġġjata mill-European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists – EFFEA ikkofinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea.

Ħin: 7pm.

Dħul b’xejn.


Reġistrazzjoni minn din il-formola.

Il-Ġimgħa 25 ta’ Awwissu

FMLM2023 FB Cover 80 Nurturing

Fis-7.00pm, se jkun hemm attività mtellgħa mill-artisti Niġerjani-Irlandiżi Felispeaks, kif ukoll Tobi Bello, bl-appoġġ tal-artisti lokali Noah Fabri u Ġagħel Dingli. Sehem Felispeaks u Toni Bello huwa parti mir-residenza appoġġjata mill-European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists – EFFEA ikkofinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea.


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Il-kittieba li se jaqraw waqt din il-lejla huma: il-poeta Maltija Simone Inguanez, il-poeta rinomata mill-Montenegro Tanja Bakić, il-Poeta Lawreata Maltija Maria Grech Ganado, kif ukoll il-poeta, kittieba u drammaturga rebbieħa ta’ numru ta’ premjijiet prestiġjużi mill-Ingilterra Joelle Taylor. Se jkun hemm ukoll intervista ma’ Maria Grech Ganado mmexxija minn Immanuel Mifsud.

F’din il-lejla se jkun hemm ukoll film tal-poeżija kif ukoll mużika mill-banda residenti tal-jazz, immexxija mill-mużiċist Effie Azzopardi.  Il-kantanta lokali Cher Camilleri se tkanta xi kanzunetti minn tagħha bħala l-kantanta speċjali tas-serata.

Ħin: 8pm.


Xi kitbiet jistgħu jkunu maħsuba għal udjenza matura.

Is-Sibt 26 ta’ Awwissu

Il-kittieba li se jaqraw waqt din il-lejla huma: il-poeta Maltija Claudia Gauci, l-awturi tal-fantasija Karin Tidbeck, u l-awtriċi magħrufa Palestinjana Adania Shibli, li se tkun ukoll intervistata minn Adrian Grima.

F’din l-aħħar lejla se jkun hemm ukoll film ieħor tal-poeżija kif ukoll mużika mill-banda residenti tal-jazz, immexxija mill-mużiċist Effie Azzopardi. Il-kantawtriċi lokali Claire Tonna se tkanta xi kanzunetti mħejjija apposta għal dan il-Festival. 

Ħin: 8pm.


Xi kitbiet jistgħu jkunu maħsuba għal udjenza matura.

L-awturi se jkunu Malta fil-ġimgħa tal-Festival u se jkunu qed jieħdu sehem fil-laboratorju tat-traduzzjoni, immexxi minn Nadia Mifsud. L-awturi se jkunu qed jittraduċu x-xogħol ta’ xulxin, li mbagħad jinqara waqt l-iljieli tal-Festival.

Fil-ġimgħat ta’ wara l-Festival se tittella’ attività f’Dar Kenn għal Saħħtek.

Din l-edizzjoni tal-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta, flimkien mal-laboratorju tat-traduzzjoni tal-Literature Across Frontiers, qed jittellgħu minn Inizjamed bi sħab mal-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti u Literature Across Frontiers, u bl-għajnuna ta’ Heritage Malta, l-Għaqda tal-Malti – Università, Valletta Design Cluster, Studio Solipsis u l-proġett Ulysses’ Shelter 3. Dan il-Festival ingħata rikonoxximent internazzjonali permezz tat-timbru tal-EFFE, Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe.

Il-logo l-ġdid tal-Festival u l-materjal promozzjonali l-ieħor ġie ddisinjat mill-artista Naomi Gatt.

L-attivitajiet tal-Festival huma kollha bla ħlas sakemm mhux indikat mod ieħor. Il-biljetti għall-iljieli finali tal-Festival jinkisbu minn

FMLM2023 FB Cover FMLM 20 Simple

The Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2023

Date and Event Index

Dates in AugustEvents
Friday 18Nixtieq nieklok kuljum (Lunchtime reading at Berta’s in Għargħur)
Monday 21The expression of gender in literary writing
Tuesday 22Szymborska & The Flying Tablecloth
Thursday 24Joelle Taylor Masterclass | Open Mic
Friday 25New Nurturing | The First Night
Saturday 26The Second Night


The 18th edition of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival organised by Inizjamed will be held between Monday 21 and Saturday 26 August 2023. All events are going to be held at the Valletta Design Cluster and Fort Saint Elmo, in Valletta. 

Seven writers from five countries are reading at the festival, which also features poetry films, a jazz band, local singers, a book stall curated by Mallia & D’Amato, drinks and a selection of food.

The authors participating in this 18th edition are Tanja Bakić from Montenegro, Adania Shibli from Palestine, Joelle Taylor from the United Kingdom, Karin Tidbeck from Sweden and Claudia Gauci, Maria Grech Ganado and Simone Inguanez from Malta. 

Readings will be mostly in Maltese and English, but some short works will also be read in their original language.

This year’s festival is supported by Arts Council Malta through the Investment in Cultural Organisations fund. The Festival is also part of the Literary Europe Live platform funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and managed by Literature Across Frontiers. The festival is also supported by Valletta Design ClusterHeritage Malta, l-Għaqda tal-Malti – Università and the Embassy of Poland in Malta

The Events

On Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 August, a workshop with children will be held in Imġarr. This will be led by Claudia Gauci and Justine Somerville.

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On Friday 18 August at 1pm, a lunchtime reading will be held at Ta’ Berta in Għargħur together with Simone Inguanez and Ruqaya Izzidien. Ruqaya’s participation is part of the Ulysses’ Shelter 3 residency co-financed by the European Union and the NGO Co-Financing Fund of the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector, in partnership with the Valletta Design Cluster.

Free entrance.


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On Monday 21 August, Ray Fabri will moderate a roundtable discussion in English about The expression of gender in literary writing, with the participation of writers Simone Inguanez, Karin Tidbeck, Joelle Taylor and Tanja Bakić.

Venue: Valletta Design Cluster, Valletta. Time: 7pm.

Free entrance.


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On Tuesday 22 August, local poet Antoine Cassar will lead an event commemorating the centenary of the birth of Wisława Szymborska, a Polish Nobel Prize winner poet and essayist. The special guest will be Michał Rusinek, Szymborska’s former secretary. This event will be held in collaboration with the Embassy of Poland.

Venue: Valletta Design Cluster, Valletta. Time: 7pm.


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On Thursday 24 August, Joelle Taylor will be giving a masterclass.

Using some of the techniques from her TS Eliot prize winning poetry collection C+NTO & Othered Poems, this session will explore the device of cantos as a mechanism for life writing, the invention of form, and character poetics. Prepare to write, investigate, and share your work.

Venue: Valletta Design Cluster, Valletta. Time: 9am.

Fee: €45 (including the session, the Festival’s tote bag, lunch and drinks).

Special price for students: €35 (including the session, the Festival’s tote bag, lunch and drinks).

Fee to be paid on the day.


Booking through this form.

The Nights at the Fort

These events will all be held at Fort Saint Elmo, Valletta.

Thursday 24 August

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The first evening will be a multilingual Open Mic with special guests Tatev Chakhian and Ruqaya Izzidien. Writers and singer-songwriters will be given the opportunity to read or perform their works on the main stage. Ruqaya’s participation is part of the Ulysses’ Shelter 3 residency co-financed by the European Union and the NGO Co-Financing Fund of the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector, in partnership with the Valletta Design Cluster. Tatev’s participation is part of a residency supported by the European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists – EFFEA co-financed by the European Union.

Time: 7pm.

Free entrance.


Registration through this form.

Friday 25 August

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At 7.00pm, an event will be held with Nigerian-Irish poet, performer and playwright Felispeaks, together with Tobi Bello, with the support of local artists Noah Fabri and Ġagħel Dingli. Felispeaks and Tobi’s participation is part of a residency supported by the European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists – EFFEA co-financed by the European Union.


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The writers reading during this evening are: Maltese poet Simone Inguanez, the prominent Montenegrin poet Tanja Bakić, renowned Maltese Poet Laureate Maria Grech Ganado, and the multi-award-winning British poet, author and playwright Joelle Taylor. An interview conducted by Immanuel Mifsud will be held with Maria Grech Ganado

This night will also feature a poetry film and live music, which will be provided by the resident jazz trio, led by Effie Azzopardi. Local singer Cher Camilleri will also perform a number of songs.

Time: 8pm.


Some of the literature read during the festival might require an adult audience.

Saturday 26 August

The writers reading on this evening are: Maltese poet Claudia Gauci, Swedish author of fantasy Karin Tidbeck, and renowned Palestinian author and essayist Adania Shibli. An interview led by Adrian Grima will be conducted with Adania Shibli

This third and final evening will also feature the screening of another poetry film and live music, which will be provided by the resident jazz trio, led by Effie Azzopardi.  Local singer Claire Tonna will also perform a number of songs.

Time: 8pm.


Some of the literature read during the festival might require an adult audience.

The writers will be in Malta throughout the week of the festival to take part in the Malta LAF Literary Translation Workshop led by Nadia Mifsud. They will be translating each other’s works, and reading some of these translations during the festival.

Following the festival week an event will also be held at Dar Kenn għal Saħħtek.

The 2023 edition of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival and the Malta LAF translation workshop are being held in partnership with Arts Council Malta and Literature Across Frontiers, and with the support of Heritage Malta, l-Għaqda tal-Malti – UniversitàValletta Design ClusterStudio Solipsis and the Ulysses’ Shelter 3 project.The MMLF is the recipient of the EFFE, Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe.

The new Festival logo and other promotional material were designed by artist Naomi Gatt.

Most of the events are free unless indicated otherwise. Tickets for the final nights may be purchased from