Juana Adcock (Mexico/UK) | Clare Azzopardi (Malta) | Massimo Barilla (Italy) | Aslı Erdoğan (Turkey) | Jean-Rémi Gandon (France) | Arjan Hut (Ljouwert, Netherlands) | Laia López Manrique (Spain) | Caldon Mercieca (Malta) | Teodor Reljić (Malta) | Philip Sciberras (Malta) | Sjón (Iceland) | Ali Thareb (Babel, Iraq)
Tħabbru d-dati, mill-Ħamis 23 sas-Sibt 25 ta’ Awwissu, tat-tliet lejliet tal-edizzjoni tal-2018 tal-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta mtella’ minn Inizjamed bħala parti minn Cultural Partnership Agreement mal-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti, u bi sħab ma’ Literature Across Frontiers. Il-Festival se jsir fil-Forti Manoel fuq Manoel Island bl-għajnuna tal-Fondazzjoni Manoel Island imwaqqfa bejn il Kunsill Lokali tal-Gżira u l-kumpannija Midi.
F’din l-edizzjoni se jintwerew films ġodda tal-poeżija Maltija kkummissjonati minn Inizjamed u l-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018.
Il-programm ta’ avvenimenti ta’ qabel il-Festival bis-sehem tal-awturi barranin u Maltin jibda l-Ħadd 20 ta’ Awwissu.
Inizjamed have announced the dates, from Thursday 23 to Saturday 25 August, of the 2018 edition of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival. The Festival is part of a Cultural Partnership Agreement between Inizjamed and Arts Council Malta and is held in collaboration with Literature Across Frontiers. The 2018 edition will be held in parade ground of Fort Manoel on Manoel Island in Gzira with the support of the Manoel Island Foundation set up jointly by the Gzira Local Council and Midi plc. The 2018 edition will feature new Maltesepoetry films of poetry commissioned by Inizjamed and the Valletta 2018 Foundation.
The pre-Festival events with the participation of the foreign and Maltese invited writers starts on Sunday 20 August.