L-Erbgħa, 21 ta’ April sal-Ħadd, 25 ta’ April 2010
il-Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu, il-Belt Valletta, 10.00am – 18.00pm
Dħul b’xejn
Wednesday 21 April – Sunday 25 April 2010
St. James Cavalier, Valletta, 10.00am – 18.00pm
Entrance free
Programm fiss għall-iskejjel: L-Erbgħa, il-Ħamis u l-Ġimgħa filgħodu.
Sessjonijiet u wirja miftuħa għall-pubbliku s-Sibt u l-Ħadd il-ġurnata kollha
ara servizz tal-Aħbarijiet fuq il-PBS tat-23 ta’ April
Koordinazzjoni ta’ Clare Azzopardi megħjuna minn Darren Tanti
Clare Azzopardi | Simon Bartolo | Rita Borg | Charles Casha | Carmel G. Cauchi | Madeleine Dargue | Lluís Farré | Victor Fenech | Adrian Grima | Neal Hoskins | André Letria | Mary Rose Pace | Ġorġ Peresso | Rita Saliba | Lauren St John | Ed Vere | Trevor Żahra
Artisti u illustraturi
Katya Borg (flimkien mal-istudenti tal-MCAST) | Nicole Diacono | Pierre Portelli | Mark Scicluna | Darren Tanti | Raphael Vella
Kompożitur u Mużiċist
Alex Vella Gregory
Organizzat minn Inizjamed u ċ-Ċentru għall-Kreattività tal-Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu, mal-Fond Malti għall-Arti, Literature Across Frontiers u l-programm Kultura tal-Unjoni Ewropea, Direcção-Geral do Livro e das Bibliotecas, Ministério da Cultura tal-Portugall, Institut Ramon Llull, The British Council, Merlin Library, Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb, MCAST, Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi Edukattivi
ĦARBA – Programm
Dawn l-attivitajiet huma kollha miftuħin għall-pubbliku, kif indikat, għajr għas-sessjonijiet għall-iskejjel
21 ta’ April |
09.00 – 13.00 | Programm ta’ sessjonijiet interattivi għal 300 student u studenta tal-iskejjel primarji, bis-sehem ta’ atturi, kittieba, illustraturi u mużiċisti (età 6-8)
Jieħdu sehem il-grupp ta’ atturi-għalliema tad-Drama Unit (bid-dramm Ix-Xini Msaħħarimnebbaħ minn ħrafa Russa u b’direzzjoni ta’ Paul Portelli), Alex Vella Gregory u Trevor Żahra b’kompożizzjonijiet ġodda ta’ Alex Vella Gregory u Rita Saliba.
22 ta’ April |
09.00 – 13.00 | Programm ta’ sessjonijiet interattivi għal 300 student u studenta tal-iskejjel primarji, bis-sehem ta’ atturi, kittieba, illustraturi u mużiċisti (età 8-10)
Jieħdu sehem il-grupp ta’ atturi-għalliema tad-Drama Unit (bid-dramm Ix-Xini Msaħħarimnebbaħ minn ħrafa Russa b’direzzjoni ta’ Paul Portelli), Alex Vella Gregory u Trevor Żahra b’kompożizzjonijiet ġodda ta’ Alex Vella Gregory, Adrian Grima u Nicole Diacono
19.30 – 20.30 | Ġabra ta’ Ward
Serata nostalġika għal dawk kollha li trabbew bil-kotba Ġabra ta’ Ward f’idejhom, fis-Sala tal-Mużika (għal kulħadd) Jieħdu sehem Marlene Abela, Victor Fenech, Sergio Grech u Ġorġ Peresso
23 ta’ April |
09.00 – 13.00 | Programm ta’ sessjonijiet interattivi għal 300 student u studenta tal-iskejjel primarji u sekondarji, bis-sehem ta’ atturi, kittieba, illustraturi u mużiċisti (età 6-12)
Jieħdu sehem il-grupp ta’ atturi-għalliema tad-Drama Unit bid-dramm (Ix-Xini Msaħħarimnebbaħ minn ħrafa Russa b’direzzjoni ta’ Paul Portelli), Alex Vella Gregory u Trevor Żahra u b’kompożizzjonijiet ġodda ta’ Alex Vella Gregory, Simon Bartolo u l-Immarkati, Ed Vere u l-ġurdien li jisraq il-ġobon.
Is-Sibt | 10.00 – 11.00 | Iltaqa’ ma’ Lauren St John (mill-Ingilterra), taħt it-tinda (età 9-12) |
24 ta’ April | 11.30 – 12.30 | Isma’ storja u ikteb ftit ma’ Simone Spiteri, fis-Sala tal-Mużika (età 9-12) |
10.00 – 11.00 | Isma’ storja u ikteb ftit ma’ Simone Spiteri, fis-Sala tal-Mużika (età 6-8) | |
11.30 – 12.30 | Iltaqa’ ma’ Ed Vere (mill-Ingilterra), fiċ-ċinema/taħt it-tinda (età 6-8) | |
15.00 – 17.00 | Ed Vere u l-illustrazzjoni, fiċ-ċinema (għall-kbar) | |
16.00 – 17.00 | Intervista ma’ Charles Casha, Carmel G. Cauchi u Trevor Żahra, taħt it-tinda(età 8-10) | |
17.00 – 18.00 | Il-Letteratura tat-tfal fl-Immaġinazzjoni Diġitali ma’ Neal Hoskins, pubblikatur Ingliż, fiċ-ċinema (għall-kbar)
Il-Ħadd | 10.00 – 11.00 | Lauren St John titkellem fuq il-proċess tal-kitba tagħha, fis-Sala tal-Mużika (għall-kbar) |
25 ta’ April | 10.00 – 11.00 | Il-ktieb favorit tiegħi, tirrakkonta int jew jien? Ma’ Simone Spiteri (ġib il-ktieb miegħek) (età 8-12) |
10.30 – 11.30 | Iltaqa’ ma’ André Letria (mill-Portugall) u Lluis Farré (mill-Katalonja, Spanja) ) u xi karattri tagħhom, taħt it-tinda (età 5-8) | |
11.00 – 12.00 | Simon Bartolo u l-Immarkati, fit-Teatru (età 8-12) | |
15.00 – 16.00 | André Letria u Lluis Farré jitkellmu fuq il-proċess tal-kitba tagħhom, fis-Sala tal-Mużika (għall-kbar) | |
16.00 – 17.00 | Tista’ tpinġi ftit ma’ Mark Scicluna jekk trid, fiċ-ċinema (età 5-10) | |
16.00 – 17.00 | Ikteb u ddiskuti ma’ Adrian Grima u Rita Saliba, taħt it-tinda (età 9-12) | |
17.00 – 18.00 | Ftit mużika u poeżija ma’ Alex Vella Gregory u Trevor Żahra, fis-Sala tal-Mużika (għal kulħadd)
Matul il-ġranet tas-Sibt u l-Ħadd tista’ wkoll taqra l-ħafna kotba li hemm għall-wiri fl-Atrium u tista’ tikteb u tpinġi dak li trid fis-sala l-kbira ta’ wara r-reception. Imbagħad tista’ twaħħal ix-xogħol tiegħek man-notice boards.
U malli tisma’ l-qanpiena ddoqq ifisser li se tibda avventura ġdida … jekk trid tista’ taħrab ħarba int ukoll … Tinsiex! Trid tisma’ l-qanpiena u tmur ħdejn il-bieb il-kbir nett nett.
Ħarba Festival of Children’s Literature – PROGRAMME
Organised by Inizjamed and the St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity, with the support of the Malta Arts Fund, Merlin Library, Literature Across Frontiers and the EU Culture programme, the Direcção-Geral do Livro e das Bibliotecas, the Portuguese Ministério da Cultura, Institut Ramon Llull, the British Council, the National Book Council of Malta, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) and the Malta Foundation for Educational Services.
Wednesday 21st April
9.00 – 13.00
Interactive sessions for 300 primary school students (age 6-8), together with actors, writers, illustrators and musicians.
Participation of the Drama Unit teacher theatre group, with the play ‘Ix-Xini Msaħħar’ (The Spellbound …), inspired by a Russian fairy tale, directed by Paul Portelli, Alex Vella Gregory and Trevor Żahra. Includes new compositions by Alex Vella Gregory and Rita Saliba.
Thursday 22nd April
9.00 – 13.00
Interactive sessions for 300 primary school students (age 6-8), together with actors, writers, illustrators and musicians.
Participation of the Drama Unit teacher theatre group, with the play ‘Ix-Xini Msaħħar’ (The Spellbound …), inspired by a Russian fairy tale, directed by Paul Portelli, Alex Vella Gregory and Trevor Żahra. Includes new compositions by Alex Vella Gregory, Adrian Grima and Nicole Diacono.
19.30 – 20.30
‘Ġabra ta’ Ward’ (A Handful of Flowers) in the Music Room, St James Cavalier.
An evening of nostalgia for all those who grew up with the book ‘Ġabra ta’ Ward’ in their hands. With Marlene Abela, Victor Fenech, Sergio Grech and George Peresso.
Friday 23rd April
Interactive sessions for 300 primary and secondary school students. With Simon Bartolo and ‘L-Immarkati’, Ed Vere and the cheese-stealing mouse.
Saturday 24th April
10.00 – 11.00 Come and meet Lauren St John (England) under the tent (ages 9-12)
11.30 – 12.30 Come and listen to a story and put pen to paper with Simone Spiteri in the Music Room (ages 9-12)
10.00 – 11.00 Come and listen to a story and put pen to paper with Simone Spiteri in the Music Room (ages 6-8)
11.30 – 12.30 Come and meet Ed Vere (England) and the cheese-stealing mouse in the cinema/under the tent (ages 6-8)
15.00 – 17.00 Ed Vere and illustration in the cinema (for grown-ups)
16.00 – 17.00 Interview with Charles Casha, Carmel G. Cauchi and Trevor Żahra under the tent (ages 8 -12)
17.00 – 18.00 Children’s Literature in Digital Imagination, with Neal Hoskins, in the cinema (for grown-ups)
Sunday 25th April
10.00 – 11.00 Lauren St John talks about the process of writing, in the Music Room (for grown-ups)
10.00 – 11.00 My favourite book, will you tell a story or shall I? With Simone Spiteri (Bring your favourite book with you) (ages 8-12)
10.30 – 11.30 Come and meet Andre Letria (Portugal), Lluis Farré (Spain) and their characters, in the tent (ages 5-8)
11.00 – 12.00 Simon Bartolo and the ‘Immarkati’, in the theatre (ages 8-12)
15:00 – 16:00 Andre Letria and Lluis Farre talk about the process of writing, in the Music Room (for grown-ups)
16.00 – 17.00 Painting with Mark Scicluna, in the cinema (ages 5-10)
16.00 – 17.00 Writing and discussion with Adrian Grima and Rita Saliba, in the tent (ages 9-12)
17.00 – 18.00 A little music and poetry with Alex Vella Gregory and Trevor Żahra, in the Music Room (for all ages)
Throughout Saturday and Sunday, come and read the dozens of books on display in the Atrium, and write and paint your heart out in the large hall behind the reception. And hang your work on the notice boards for all to see!
And as soon as you hear the bell ring, a new adventure will begin… A new escape! Don’t forget, when the bell rings, make your way to the largest door of them all…
CLARE AZZOPARDI (1977) kitbet u editjat ħafna kotba għat-tfal fosthom Stilel, Senduq Kuluri/Buffuri u Kalejdoskopju. L-ewwel rumanz tagħha għat-tfal, Il-Każ kważi kollu tal-aħwa De Molizz ġie ppubblikat fl-2009.
Meta l-Milied ma ġiex rebaħ il-Premju tal-Ktieb fil-kategorija tal-kotba għat-tfal ippubblikati fl-2008 u bħalissa qed taħdem fuq sensiela ta’ kotba għat-tfal dwar Jake Cassar u r-Renju tar-Re Pankrazju r-IV.
Clare Azzopardi (the festival coordinator) (1977) has written and edited various books for children with Merlin Library including Stilel, Senduq Kuluri/Buffuri and Kalejdoskopju. Her first novel for children Il-Każ kważi kollu tal-aħwa De Molizzwas published in 2009.
Her picture book Meta l-Milied ma ġiex won the Maltese National Book Award for children’s fiction in 2008 and she is currently working on a set of readers for the young Jake Cassar u r-Renju tar-Re Pankrazju r-IV.
Simon Bartolo minn dejjem kien iħobb il-kotba tal-avventura. Ix-xogħlijet tiegħu huma taħlita ta’ misteru, avventura, fantasija u biża’ aktarx għal tfal u żgħażagħ minn 11-il sena ’il fuq. Din is-sena rebaħ żewġ premjijiet: il-Premju Nazzjonali għall-Aħjar Ktieb għaż-Żgħażagħ li ħareġ fl-2008, Wied Wirdien li kiteb ma’ Loranne Vella; u wieħed minn żewġ premijiet fil-Konkors Kitba għaż-Żgħażagħ bil-manuskritt Kliem ir-Riħ. Bartolo jgħix Brussell fejn jikteb u jaħdem bħala traduttur.
Simon Bartolo grew up reading adventure stories and still loves them. His novels are usually aimed at older children of 11 years or older and they can be described as a mix of adventure, fantasy and mystery with the pinch of horror thrown in for good measure. This year he has won 2 first prizes: the national prize for best Maltese teenage novel published in 2008 with the book Wied Wirdien (Cockroach Valley) which he co-wrote with Loranne Vella; and one of 2 first prizes in the national competition for teenage fiction with a manuscript titled Kliem ir-Riħ (the Wisdom of the Wind). Bartolo lives in Brussels where he writes and translates full-time. (Photo by Christophe Haesevoets)
RITA ANTOINETTE BORG twieldet Malta iżda trabbiet New York, wara li l-ġenituri tagħha emigraw lejn l-Istati Uniti meta kellha tliet snin. Ġiet lura Malta ta’ 15-il sena u attendiet is-sitt klassi fil-Liċeo l-Ġdid, il-Belt Valletta. Irċiviet diploma fuq Child Psychology mill-European Institute of Education, Malta kif ukoll fil-Freelance Writingmingħand Harcourt Learning Direct (USA) u Writing for Children and Teenagers mill-Institute of Children’s Literature, Connecticut USA. Hija membru tas-Society of Children’s Writers & Illustrators (U.S.A.). Uħud mill-kotba ta’ Rita huma: Fuq Siġra Mwarrba / On a Lonely Tree (2000); Il-Ħarba taż-Żrinġijiet / The Frogs’ Great Escape (2003); rebbieħ fil-kategorija Letteratura għat-tfal tal-Premju Letterarju Nazzjonali 2003; L-Għażla ta’ Rebecca / Rebecca’s Choice (2004); Seasons (2007); Taqsamx it-Triq, Fuxa / Don’t Cross the Road, Holly (2009).
Rita Antoinette Borg was born in Malta but raised in New York City after her parents emigrated to the United States of America when she was three years old. Returning to Malta at 15, Rita attended sixth form at the New Lyceum in Valletta. She obtains a diploma in Child Psychology from the European Institute of Education, Malta as well as diplomas in Freelance Writing from Harcourt Learning Direct (USA) and in Writing for Children and Teenagers from the Institute of Children’s Literature , Connecticut. She is also a member of the Society of Children’s Writers and Illustrators (USA). Some of her books are: Fuq Siġra Mwarrba / On a Lonely Tree (2000); Il-Ħarba taż-Żrinġijiet / The Frogs’ Great Escape (2003); Best Children’s Book – Malta Literary Awards 2003; L-Għażla ta’ Rebecca / Rebecca’s Choice (2004); Seasons (2007);Taqsamx it-Triq, Fuxa / Don’t Cross the Road, Holly (2009).
CHARLES CASHA twieled il-Marsa fil-21 ta’ Settembru, 1943. Bħal tfal oħra li trabbew fis-snin ta’ wara l-gwerra, meta t-toroq tagħna kienu mingħajr traffiku, Charles kien jilgħab fit-triq ma’ tfal oħra, l-aktar nhar ta’ Ħadd u matul il-vaganzi tas-sajf meta ħafna min-nies tat-triq, l-aktar l-ommijiet kienu joħorġu bis-siġġijiet u joqogħdu fuq il-bankina jitkellmu.
L-esperjenza twila tiegħu bħala għalliem ħalliet influwenza fuq ix-xogħlijiet tiegħu għat-tfal. L-ewwel stejjer tiegħu għat-tfal bdew fl-1967 meta ħoloq il-karattru ta’ Fra Mudest li għadu popolari sal-lum. Fost kotba oħra li kiteb insibu: Minn Bejn il-Kwinti, Il-Prinċep u t-Trogloditi, L-Appartament fir-raba’ sular, Ktieb għal Amy, Avventura f’Għar il-Kbir, Il-Misteru ta’ San Luċjan uIl-Misteru tal-Maqluba.
Fl-2007 Casha ngħata Ġieħ il-Marsa mill-Kunsill Lokali tal-Marsa għas-sehem tiegħu fil-letteratura Maltija. Il-ktieb tiegħu Pandolino-Galatea (2 kotba f’wieħed) kien l-ewwel ktieb bil-Malti li deher fis-sit internazzjonali Children’s Digital Library.
Charles Casha was born in Marsa on the 21 st September, 1943. He became a teacher by profession and served for over forty years in the education department until his retirement in 2004. His contribution, as a prolific writer, to Maltese Literature spreads over 40 years. His writings are aimed at different ages although at times these two orientations seem to meet somewhere halfway. He explores situations and characters taken from real life and creates characters about whom he writes with love and respect describing them as if he were a portrait painter.
Fra Mudest, whom he created in 1967 for the Children’s Own, was a huge success and has indeed become a legendary character in Maltese literature for children. Some of his books include: Minn Bejn il-Kwinti, Il-Prinċep u t-Trogloditi,L-Appartament fir-raba’ sular, Ktieb għal Amy, Avventura f’Għar il-Kbir, Il-Misteru ta’ San Luċjan and Il-Misteru tal-Maqluba. Casha makes use of adventure as a vehicle to include interesting information connected with the locations where the story unfolds.
CARMEL G. CAUCHI twieled Birkirkara fid-29 ta’ Mejju 1944. Studja fil-Liċeo, il-Ħamrun, u fil-Kulleġġtal-Edukazzjoni San Mikiel, Ta’ Ġiorni, minn fejn kiseb iċ-ċertifikat ta’ Għalliem fl-1965. Fl-1995 inħatar Assistant Kap ta’ Skola u serva fl-Iskola Primarja ta’ San Ġwann ‘A’ minn fejn irtira fl-2005. Huwa membru tal-Għaqda Poeti Maltin u tal-Akkademja tal-Malti. Kittieb ta’ proża, poeżija u drammi kemm għat-tfal kif ukoll għall-kbar. Rebbieħ ta’ bosta premjijiet f’konkorsi letterarji. Huwa wkoll membru fl-Eżekuttiv Ġenerali tas-Soċjetà tad-Duttrina Nisranija (M.U.S.E.U.M.)
Il-ġibda għall-kitba ħassha sa minn tfulitu u kompliet tikber miegħu. L-ewwel ktieb li ppubblika għat-tfal kien “Il-Bawxati ta’ Pietru Pitravu” li ħareġ fl-1976. Minn hemm kompla sejjer u sal-lum ippubblika 10 kotba oriġinali għall-kbar, 12-il traduzzjoni għat-tfal, u 32 ktieb oriġinali għat-tfal u għall-adolexxenti.
Carmel G. Cauchi born in Birkirkara on 29th May 1944, Carmel studied at the Lyceum, Hamrun, and at St Michael’s College of Education, Ta’ Giorni, where he was awarded his Teacher’s Cerificate in 1965. He was appointed Assistant Head of School in 1995 and was posted to San Gwann Primary School ‘A’ from where he retired in 2005. He is a member of the “G˙aqda Poeti Maltin” (Association of Maltese Poets) and the Akkademja tal-Malti (The Academy for Maltese). He writes prose, poetry and drama both for chidren and adults. He is also a member of the General Executive Council of the Society of Christian Docrtine (k/a M.U.S.E.U.M.).
He felt the urge to write since his childhood, and it grew stronger as the years went by. His first publication for children was “Il-Bawxati ta’ Pietru Pitravu” in 1976. He went on with his writing and to date he has published 10 original books for adults, 12 translations for children and 32 original books for childrem and adolescents.
MADELEINE DARGUE hija l-awtriċi ta’ Star Child www.starchildsavestheworld.com.
Hija kantawtriċi li mas-sieħba tagħha Kathy Manuell ippromwoviet il-kompożitur Ġappuniż Hiroki Okano f’Malta.
Bħalissa qed taħdem fuq il-Musical Star Child mal-kittieb Malti Sean Briffa.
Madeleine Dargue is the author of Star Child www.starchildsavestheworld.com.
She is a holistic vocal coach, a singer and songwriter and with her business partner Kathy Manuell has promoted Japanese Composer Hiroki Okano here in Malta for three consecutive years.
She is currently working on “Star Child The Musical” with Maltese scriptwriter Sean Briffa.
NICOLE DIACONO (1983) studjat l-arti fiċ-Ċentru tal-Arti u d-Disinn il-Belt Valletta. Il-passjoni għall-illustrazzjoni u l-kultura Ġappuniża ġegħlitha tibda tpinġi l-Manga. Ħadmet mal-Merlin Library u illustrat numru kbir ta’ kotba kemm għat-tfal kif ukoll għall-kbar.
Ħadet sehem ukoll f’ħafna esebizzjonijiet tal-arti fejn esebixxiet il-pittura tagħha, maħduma esklussivament bl-acrylic, bi stil li ġeneralment joqrob lejn dak tal-cartoons, b’perspettivi mgħawġa u b’varjetà ta’ kuluri.
Nicole Diacono (1983) studied Industrial Design at the Art and Design Centre in Valletta. Her passion for illustrations and love for Japanese culture got her into Manga cartooning. She has worked with Merlin Library and has illustrated numerous books for both children and adults.
Besides illustrations she has participated in art exhibitions where she exhibited paintings exclusively in acrylics mostly verging on cartoonist using distorted perspectives in an array of colour. Her goal when illustrating children’s books is to bring out a sense of cheerfulness and vitality which makes reading more attractive, interesting and enjoyable and most of all to enhance the author’s work.
LLUÍS FARRÉ ESTRADA twieled fit-12 ta’ Jannar 1970 u gradwa fl-Arti fl-Università ta’ Barċellona (UB). Sa mill-1993 ħadem bħala illustratur professjonali, l-ewwel fil-qasam tax-xjenza u iktar tard fil-letteratura għat-tfal u l-adolexxenti u fil-kotba tal-iskola. Regolarment jikkollabora ma’ kumpaniji pubbliċitarji kif ukoll jagħmel xogħol għal prodotti tal-multimidja.
Bħala awtur huwa rċieva l-premju Crítica Serra d’Or għal Endrapallibres (Barċellona: Cruïlla, 2001) fl-2006 u għal El nen gris (Barċellona: La Galera, 2006) fl-2007. Bħala illustratur, rebaħ ukoll premjijiet bħall-Junceda Illustration Prize fil-kategorija tal-kotba għall-iskola (2005) kif ukoll il-Lazarillo Illustration Prize (1995). L-iktar ktieb riċenti tiegħu hu Ulls negres (Barċellona: Cruïlla, 2010), u El nen gris ġie ppubblikat bl-Ingliż bħala The Grey Boy u stampat mill-Winged Chariot Press.
Born on 12 January 1970, Lluís Farré Estrada holds a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona (UB). He has worked as a professional illustrator since 1993, first in the domain of science, and later for children’s and juvenile literature and textbooks. He collaborates regularly with advertising companies and in multimedia products.
As an author, he has received the Crítica Serra d’Or Prize for Endrapallibres (Barcelona: Cruïlla, 2001) in 2006 and for El nen gris (Barcelona: La Galera, 2006) in 2007.
As an illustrator, he has also won awards such as the Junceda Illustration Prize in the textbook category (2005) and the Lazarillo Illustration Prize (1995). His most recent book is Ulls negres (Barcelona: Cruïlla, 2010), and El nen gris has been published in English as The Grey Boy by Winged Chariot Press.
VICTOR FENECH li jikteb bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż, huwa wieħed mill-kittieba ewlenin tal-ġenerazzjoni ta’ wara l-Indipendenza li x-xogħol tiegħu deher f’bosta pubblikazzjonijiet f’Malta u barra minn Malta. L-ewwel antoloġija li ħareġ ma’ poeti oħrajn kienet Kwartett tal-1965, u l-poeżiji dehru f’seba’ ġabriet oħrajn, fosthom f’ Altamira, li fiha introduċa l-poeproża fil-letteratura Maltija.
Għadd ta’ poeżiji tiegħu nqalbu għat-Taljan, il-Ġermaniż, l-Esperanto, u l-Franċiż, u dehru f’antoloġija internazzjonali bħal Orizzonte Senza Fine, Malet-Literatur aus Malta, Souffles, Poet India, Limestone 84 uCrosswinds.
Victor Fenech ippubblika għadd ta’ antoloġiji fir-Renju Unit, fosthom London Pictures and other Poems, Today I waited, u Let Now Mdina Sleep, xogħol li deher ukoll bl-Olandiż, Laat Mdina nu Slapen fis-sena 2000.
Victor Fenech rebaħ il-premju Pinna tad-Deheb għall-kitba tiegħu għat-tfal fl-1974 u l-Premju Letterarju għall-poeżija fl-1997.www.victorfenech.com
Hailed as one of the most prominent modern poets in Malta, Victor Fenech is a bi-lingual writer (Maltese and English) whose poems have been widely anthologised. Since his first co-authored anthology, Kwartett, in 1965, he has figured in seven new poetry collections; of these Altamira (1979) introduced the prose-poem in Maltese literature.
Poems of his were translated into Italian, German, Esperanto and French, and were published in international anthologies such as Orizzonte Senza Fine, Malet-Literatur aus Malta, Souffles, Poet India, Limestone 84 u Crosswinds.
Victor Fenech has also published a number of anthologies in the UK, such as London Pictures and other Poems, Today I waited, and Let Now Mdina Sleep, the latter had also a Dutch version Laat Mdina nu Slapen published in 2000.
Victor Fenech won the Golden Pen in 1974, and the National Literary Award for Poetry in 1997. www.victorfenech.com
ADRIAN GRIMA (1968) jgħallem il-Letteratura Maltija fl-Università ta’ Malta. Ippubblika tliet kotba ta’ poeżija, It-Trumbettier (1999), li ġie t-tieni fil-Premio Tivoli Europa Giovani għal kotba ta’ poeżija ppubblikati fl-Ewropa, Rakkmu (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2006), u RIħ min-Nofsinhar (ma’ Immanuel Mifsud, Edizzjoni Skarta, 2008), li rebaħ il-Premju Nazzjonali għall-Iktar Ktieb Kreattiv. Rebaħ ukoll il-Premio Storie 2009. Għat-tfal jikteb poeżiji u stejjer qosra li wħud minnhom dehru fi Stilel, Senduq Kuluri u Kalejdoskopju, sensiliet editjati minn Clare Azzopardi. Ta’ spiss jistednuh biex jaqra x-xogħol tiegħu lit-tfal jew imexxi sessjonijiet ta’ kitba kreattiva magħhom. Fl-2007 editja ktejjeb bl-isem ta’ Tibża’ Xejn Jekk Tibda x-Xita (Edizzjoni Skarta) b’xogħlijiet dwar id-drittijiet tat-tfal. Adrian Grima huwa l-koordinatur ta’ Inizjamed. www.adriangrima.com
Adrian Grima (1968) teaches Maltese Literature at the University of Malta He has published three books of poetry, It-Trumbettier (1999), which won second prize in the Premio Tivoli Europa Giovani for books of poetry published in Europe, Rakkmu (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2006), and RIħ min-Nofsinhar (with Immanuel Mifsud, Edizzjoni Skarta, 2008), which won a special award for Most Creative Book at the National Book Awards fro 2008. He also won the Premio Storie 2009. He writes poems and short stories for children, some of which have been published in Stilel, Senduq Kuluri and Kalejdoskopju, edited by Clare Azzopardi. He is often invited to read to children in schools and at festivals and he also leads creative writing workshops for children. In 2007 he edited Tibża’ Xejn Jekk Tibda x-Xita (Edizzjoni Skarta) with literary works about childen’s rights. Adrian Grima is the coordinator of Inizjamed. www.adriangrima.com
NEAL HOSKINS huwa s-sid tal-Wingedchariot Press, li twaqqfet biex iġġib l-aqwa kotba bl-istampi għat-tfal mill-Ewropa lejn ir-Renju Unit.
Għal ħafna snin huwa ħadem fl-Ewropa ċentrali fejn kien jirrappreżenta l-Oxford University Press, u vvjaġġa ħafna fil-kontinent. www.wingedchariot.com
Skont Alex Bellinger, meta Neal Hoskins ħalla xogħlu fl-Oxford University Press biex iwaqqaf boutique publisher ta’ verżjonijiet Ingliżi ta’ kotba għat-tfal bl-istampi mid-dinja kollha, il-bejjiegħa tal-kotba u oħrajn fl-industrija kellhom id-dubji tagħhom dwar dan il-proġett. Għalihom, huwa diffiċli wisq li jinbiegħu kotba għat-tfal ta’ awturi li mhumiex Ingliżi lill-ġenituri fir-Renju Unit.
Erba’ snin wara n-negozju ta’ Neal, WingedChariot Press, huwa waħda mid-djar tal-pubblikazzjoni ewlenin fid-dinja diġitali ġdida u qalbenija. Bl-għajnuna ta’ fondi mill-Kunsill tal-Arti, WingedChariot ippubblikat l-ewwel kotba tagħha fl-aħħar tal-2005, iżda l-ikbar sfida kienet li dawn il-kotba jiddaħħlu fil-ħwienet. Skont Neal, “Id-distribuzzjoni hija l-ikbar biċċa wġigħ ta’ ras u tajjeb li tagħti ħarsa lejn dan l-aspett qabel ma tidħol għal proġett bħal dan. Fl-istess ħin jekk toqgħod tqis l-affarijiet wisq jista’ jkun li qatt ma jirnexxilek tagħmlu l-pass.”
L-ispejjeż tal-pubblikazzjoni diġitali huma ferm iżgħar minn dawk tal-istampar u t-trasport ta’ “siġar mejta” lejn il-ħwienet tal-kotba, u għalhekk Neal għandu qed jaħseb biex jippromwovi artisti u awturi ġodda li normalment ma jiġbdux l-attenzjoni ta’ kumpaniji ewlenin tal-pubblikazzjoni.
Neal Hoskins is the owner of Wingedchariot Press, set up to bring the best of children’s picture books from Europe to the UK.
He has worked for many years in central Europe where he represented Oxford University Press, and travelled far and wide within the continent. www.wingedchariot.com
According to Alex Bellinger, when Neal Hoskins left his job at Oxford University Press to set up a boutique publisher of english versions of children’s picture books from all over the world, booksellers and others in the industry raised a doubting eyebrow. It’s just too hard to sell children’s books from non-English speaking authors to parents in the UK, they said.
Four years later and Neal’s business, WingedChariot Press, is one of those leading the publishing industry into the brave new world of digital. With startup funding from the Arts Council, WingedChariot published its first books at the end of 2005, but rapidly found getting them into shops was the real challenge. As Neal admits: “Distribution is the hardest puzzle to solve and in some ways you should look at that first before throwing yourself into the deep end, but if you did you’d probably never take the plunge.”
With digital overheads so much lower than printing and shipping dead trees to bookshops, Neal has ambitions to bring on new artists and authors who wouldn’t normally attract the attention of mainstream publishing companies.
ANDRÉ LETRIA twieled ġewwa Liżbona fl-1973. Huwa għamel kors tal-pittura ġewwa l-Iskola tal-Arti ta’ Liżbona. Ilu jaħdem bħala illustratur mill-1992 u jiddisinja kotba għat-tfal regolarment kif ukoll jikkollabora ma’ gazzetti u rivisti. Rebaħ diversi premjijiet bħalma hu l-Portuguese Illustration Award, fis-sena 2000; il-Gulbenkian Award, fl-2004, jew l-Award of Excellence for Illustration mogħti mis-Society for News Design (l-Istati Uniti).
Il-kotba tiegħu ġew ippubblikati ġewwa l-Istati Uniti, l-Ingilterra, Spanja jew it-Turkija fost l-oħrajn. Ħa sehem f’esibizzjonijiet internazzjonali bħall-Bjennali ta’ Bratiżlava fl-1995 u fl-2005, Bolonja fl-2002, Sarmede fl-1999 jew Ilustrarte, fl-2003, fl-2005 u b’sehem speċjali fl-2009. Huwa ntgħażel biex jipparteċipa fil-kompetizzjoni annwali 3×3 tal-Kotba għat-Tfal fl-2009, fejn rebaħ il-Midalja tal-Fidda għal waħda mis-serje ppreżentati. Mis-sena 2000 sal-2005 ħadem bħala disinjatur għat-teatru ma’ kumpanija teatrali f’Liżbona. Iddirieġa wkoll film qasir animat kif ukoll serje, it-tnejn li huma adattati minn kotba bl-illustrazzjonijiet tiegħu. Huwa wkoll il-ħallieq u l-koorganizzatur ta’ Farol de Sonhos / The Lighthouse of Dreams, avveniment multidixxiplinarju li jiffoka fuq il-kreazzjoni artistika għat-tfulija.
André Letria was born in Lisbon, in 1973. He attended the Painting course at the Fine Art School of Lisbon. He works as an illustrator since 1992, regularly illustrating books for children and collaborating with newspapers and magazines. He won several awards such as the Portuguese Illustration Award, in 2000; the Gulbenkian Award, in 2004, or an Award of Excellence for Illustration by the Society for News Design (USA).
His books are published in the USA, England, Spain or Turkey, among others. He has participated in international exhibitions like the Biennial of Bratislava in 1995 and 2005; Bologna, in 2002; Sarmede, in 1999, or Ilustrarte, in 2003, 2005 with a special mention and in 2009.
He was selected to enter the 3×3 annual Children’s Books contest in 2009, where he won a Silver Medal for one the series presented. From 2000 to 2005 he worked as a theatre set designer in a Lisbon theatre company. He has directed an animation short film and a series, both adapted from books with his illustrations. He is the creator and co-organizer of Farol de Sonhos / The Lighthouse of Dreams, a multidisciplinary event focused on artistic creation for childhood.
MARY ROSE PACE ilha tpinġi l-fatati minn meta kellha erba’ snin. Hija għallmet lilha nnifisha u tħobb wisq taħrab lejn dinjiet ta’ fantasija b’figuri fantastiċi biex imbagħad tittrasmetti l-illustrazzjonijiet kreattivi tagħha fuq il-karta. Il-ħolma ta’ Mary minn dejjem kienet li tkun illustratriċi għat-tfal, u għalkemm hija omm ta’ erbat itfal, qatt ma warrbet din il-ħolma.
Mary Rose Pace has been drawing fairies since the tender age of 4 years. She was self taught and just loves to escape through her imagination to fantasy worlds and fantasy figures then she transmits onto paper into her own creative illustrations. It’s been Mary’s dream to be a children’s illustrator, for many many years, and even though she is a mother of 4, she never gave up her dream.
ĠORĠ PERESSO, awtur u xandar. Għamel żmien producer u kittieb ta’ programmi għat-tfal kemm għar-radju u kemm għat-televiżjoni, u wara kemm bħala Direttur Kreattiv u kemm bħala Kap Programmi TV u Radju ħa ħsieb il-programmi għat-tfal. Kittieb ta’ tliet kotba għat-tfal, tnejn minnhom ibbażati fuq karattri televiżivi. Rebbieħ ta’ għadd ta’ premjijiet tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir u premjijiet letterarji.
Ġorġ (George) Peresso, author, poet, broadcaster/ commentator. As Creqtive Director and Head of Programmes TV and Radio (PBS) was also in charge of Children’s programmes. Published several books, including three books for children one of which based on history and folklore, four novels, his childhood autobiography, poetry in Maltese and Italian, essays and other subjects. Winner of several awards for literature and broadcasting.
RITA SALIBA hija waħda mill-awturi tas-sensiela tal- kotba bl-isem ta’ Senduq Buffuri uSenduq Kuluri.
Kitbiet oħra jidhru fis-sensiela Kalejdoskopju, kotba ta’ taħriġ għal tfal fl-iskola primarja.
Hija l-awtriċi ta’ Kevin u Qatraxita, storja għal qarrejja żgħar ta’ bejn is-seba’ u t-tmien snin u dan l-aħħar rebħet il-konkors imniedi mill-kunsill tal-ktieb għall-aħjar ktieb għall-adolexxenti.
Rita Saliba was part of a team of writers in the Senduq Buffuri and Senduq Kuluri series of textbooks. Other short stories feature in Kalejdoskopju, which are workbooks for primary school children. Her first book was Kevin u Qatraxita, a story for seven to eight-year-olds.
She has recently won first prize in a national competition for novels for adolescents.
LAUREN ST JOHN twieldet f’Gatooma, Rhodesia, illum Kadoma, fiż-Żimbabwe. Ta’ ħdax-il sena hi u l-familja tagħha marru fir-razzett Rainbow’s End f’Gadzema, li iktar tard kien is-suġġett ta’ Rainbow’s End: A Memoir of Childhood, War & an African Farm. Wara li studjat il-ġurnaliżmu f’Harare, marret l-Ingilterra fejn għal kważi għaxar snin kienet korrispondenta tal-golf ma’ The Sunday Times.
Lauren St John kitbet diversi kotba dwar l-isports u l-mużika, inklużi Hardcore Troubadour: The Life & Near Death of Steve Earle; kif ukoll is-serje rebbieħa għat-tfal, The White Giraffe, Dolphin Song, The Last Leopard u The Elephant’s Tale.
Lauren St John was born in Gatooma, Rhodesia, now Kadoma, Zimbabwe. At the age of eleven she and her family moved to Rainbow’s End farm in Gadzema, which later became the subject ofRainbow’s End: A Memoir of Childhood, War & an African Farm.After studying journalism in Harare, she relocated to England, where she was for nearly a decade golf correspondent to The Sunday Times.
Lauren St John is the author of several books on sports and music, including Hardcore Troubadour: The Life & Near Death of Steve Earle; and the award-winning children’s series, The White Giraffe, Dolphin Song, The Last Leopard and The Elephant’s Tale.
Sa minn ċkunitu, DARREN TANTI (1987) wera l-passjoni lejn l-Arti u ġibda lejn il-Letteratura. Studja l-Arti u l-Malti fil-Fakultà tal-Edukazzjoni fl-Università ta’ Malta u fl-2009 ggradwa bħala għalliem fiż-żewġ suġġetti. Bħalissa qed jagħti xi lekċers il-Junior College u qed jgħallem l-Arti fil-Faċilità Korrettiva. Barra minn hekk jistudja l-Filosofija, b’mod speċjali l-oqsma tal-Estetika u t-Teorija tal-Arti.
Preżentament qiegħed ikompli jirriċerka u jistudja l-pittura. Jaħdem primarjament biż-żejt u jikkunsidra l-esperimentazzjoni f’dan il-materjal bħala parti essenzjali fl-iżvilupp tiegħu. Fost it-temi ewlenin li jittratta fix-xogħlijiet tiegħu hemm il-figura umana u t-tensjonijiet li din tqajjem u l-isfidi kontra n-normalità.
Since a tender age, DARREN TANTI (1987) has been fascinated by art and literature. In 2009 he graduated as a teacher of Art and Maltese from the University of Malta. Today he lectures in the Junior College and teaches Art at the Correctional Facility. He has also studied Philosophy, particularly Aesthetics and Theory of Art.
He continues to study and research painting, working mainly with oil but also experimenting with other materials as his art develops. Among the main themes of his work are the human figure (and the tensions it brings with it) and challenges to normality.
ALEX VELLA GREGORY twieled Malta fl-1984. Hu beda t-taħriġ mużikali tiegħu ta’ età żgħira, u minn dejjem kien daqsxejn rasu iebsa għaliex kien jippreferi jivvinta n-noti hu milli jdoqq dak li hemm fuq il-paġna. Minn hekk skopra l-kunċett maġiku ta ‘kompożitur’, jiġifieri wieħed li jivvinta n-noti li jrid hu! U hekk l-istudju u l-imaġinazzjoni bdew vjaġġ twil flimkien li għadu għaddej sal-lum…u li, bejnietna, ma tantx jixtieq li jispiċċa!
Alex jagħmel ħafna affarjiet li jinvolvu mużika, mhux biss daqq ta’ mużika serja bħalma ngħidu aħna ta’ Beethoven, Bach u Mozart. Anzi, skopra li ħafna mill-mużika li l-kbar iqisuha ‘serja’ hi fil-fatt mimlija ferħ, seħer u kummiedji ta’ kull xorta! Ma dawn iħobb iżid ftit bużullotti oriġinali tiegħu. Alex iħobb ħafna jaħdem f’affarjiet li għandhom x’jaqsmu ma’ teatru, żfin, u kant. Iżda l-iktar li jħobb hu li jaħdem mat-tfal, għaliex kif jgħid hu ‘dawn il-kbar kultant naqa żorri u strambi… u għandhom l-immaġinazzjoni ta’ perżuta!’
Alex Vella Gregory was born in Malta in 1984. He started his musical training at an early age, but was always a bit stubborn and often insisted on playing whatever came to mind instead of the notes on the page! It was then that he discovered the magical concept of a ‘composer’, that is someone who comes up with the notes he wants! Thus started a long journey where studying and the imagination went hand in hand, a journey which he is still on…and one he hopes will never end!
Alex does a lot of things which have to do with music, not just the serious music of Beethoven, Bach and Mozart. He has also discovered that a lot of music that adults label as ‘serious’, is often full of joy, magic and fun of all sorts! With these he likes to add some of his very own creative capers! Alex likes to work a lot with things that have to do with theatre, dance and song. But most of all he likes to work with children, because as he puts it ‘these adults can be really grim and odd sometimes…and have the imagination of a boiled pudding!’
RAPHAEL VELLA (1967) huwa artist, kuratur u għalliem tal-edukazzjoni artistika fl-Università ta’ Malta. Studja l-arti u l-edukazzjoni tal-arti fl-Università ta’ Malta u l-Università tal-arti ġewwa Londra. Kiteb ukoll diversi pubblikazzjonijiet dwar l-edukazzjoni artistika u l-arti kontemporanja. Ix-xogħol artistiku tiegħu ġie esibit f’postijiet diversi f’Malta u anke barra minn xtutna.
Raphael Vella (1967) is a practising artist, curator and lecturer in Art education at the University of Malta. He studied art and art education at the University of Malta and the University of the Arts London, and is the author of several publications related to art education and contemporary art. His artistic work has been exhibited internationally.
ED VERE studja l-arti fil-Kulleġġ tal-Arti ta’ Camberwell u ilu jikteb u jiddisinja l-kotba għat-tfal mill-1999. Huwa ġie ppubblikat fir-Renju Unit, fl-Ewropa u fl-Istati Uniti. L-ewwel ktieb tiegħu bl-istampi, The Getaway, rebaħ il-Highland Children’s Book Award fl-2007. It-tieni ktieb, Banana, ġie nnominat għall-premju Kate Greenaway fl-2008. It-tielet ktieb tiegħu, Mr Big ntgħażel minn Booktrust bħala l-ktieb uffiċjali għall-Booktime tal-2009 u tqassam lil 750,000 tifel u tifla tal-iskola Ingliżi u b’hekk sar l-ikbar tiratura waħdanija ta’ ktieb bl-istampi. Ir-raba’ ktieb tiegħu, Chick, (ktieb pop-up) rebaħ il-Booktrust Early Years Award għall-aqwa ktieb għat-tfal żgħar għall-2009.
Ed kien l-illustratur tal-World Book Day għall-2009 kif ukoll l-illustratur uffiċjali ta’ Hay Fever, il-Hay Festival tal-2009. Ed huwa wkoll pittur u jaħdem fl-istudju tiegħu ġewwa Londra. Huwa għamel esibizzjonijiet mad-dinja kollha, fi New York, L.A., Tokyo, Reykjavik, Cape Town u b’mod estensiv ġewwa Londra. Ix-xogħol tiegħu huwa rappreżentat f’galleriji f’Londra u fl-Afrika t’Isfel. Wara sena u nofs jgħix Barċellona, issa jgħix Londra. www.edvere.com
Ed Vere studied fine art at Camberwell College of Art and has been writing and illustrating children’s books since 1999. He is published in the UK, Europe and the US.
His first picture book, The Getaway, won the Highland Children’s Book Award in 2007. His second, Banana, was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway prize in 2008. His third, Mr Big was chosen by Booktrust as the official Booktime book for 2009 and was distributed to 750,000 British schoolchildren making it the largest single print run of a picture book. His fourth, Chick, (a pop-up) won the Booktrust Early Years Award for best baby book for 2009.
Ed was the World Book Day illustrator for 2009 and the official illustrator for Hay Fever, Hay Festival 2009.
Ed is also a painter working from his studio in London, he has exhibited worldwide in New York, L.A., Tokyo, Reykjavik, Cape Town and extensively in London. He is represented by galleries in London and South Africa. After a year and a half living in Barcelona he now lives in London. www.edvere.com
TREVOR ŻAHRA, twieled iż-Żejtun fis-16 ta’ Diċembru 1947 fiz-Żejtun. Fl-1967 daħal il-Kulleġġ tal-Għalliema fejn wara kors ta’ sentejn beda jgħallem il-Malti u l-Arti fl-iskejjel sekondarji. Illum huwa jinsab irtirat wara karriera ta’ 33 sena għalliem. Fl-1971 ippubblika l-ewwel ktieb tiegħu, Il-Pulena tad-Deheb. Dan il-ktieb kiseb suċċess immedjat u Żahra minnufih inxteħet fil-qasam tal-kitba għat-tfal b’impenn kbir. Iżda fl-istess ħin qatt ma waqaf mill-kitba adulta. Fl-1972 ippubblika l-ġabra ta’ poeżiji Eden. Fl-1973 ippubblika l-ewwel rumanz tiegħu Is-Surmast , rumanz li għoxrin sena wara Żahra adattah għall-palk u ġie ppreżenta b’suċċċess kbir fit-Teatru Manoel għal sentejn wara xulxin. Fl-1974, ippubblika r-rumanz Taħt il-Weraq tal-Palm li kien rebaħ l-ewwel premju f’konkors imniedi mill-Klabb Kotba Maltin. Minn dak iż-żmien ‘l hawn Żahra baqa’ jippubblika simultanjament kemm kotba għat-tfal kif ukoll għall-kbar. Sal-lum ippubblika ’l fuq minn 120 ktieb.
Żahra huwa rebbieħ ta’ bosta premjijiet letterarji prestiġjużi; biżżejjed insemmu li rebaħ il-Premju Nazzjonali mniedi mill-Gvern, għaxar darbiet.|F’Diċembru 2004, l-Eċċ.T. il-President ta’ Malta tah il-Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika bħala rikonoxximent għall-ħidma tiegħu b’risq il-letteratura għat-tfal.
Trevor Żahra has been writing children’s books and adult fiction, since 1971. His output include adventure stories, animal fables, humorous account, textbooks, poetry and picture books for the very young, four collections of adult short stories and four novels. To date he has over 100 titles to his name. Żahra also illustrates his books, and “Din L-Art u Kulma Fiha” (This Land and all it Embraces) was awarded Best Illustrator Prize in 2002. Żahra won the Nation Book Awardten times, both for his children’s books and adult fiction. In 2004 Żahra was decorated with the Medal for Service to the Republic in recognition of his contribution towards children’s literature.
Books for the exhibition during the HARBA Festival were donated by:
Arab Children’s Book Publishers Forum – Books from Lithuania – Book Institute, Poland – Centre for Information on Slovak Literature (LIC), Slovakia – Dar Onboz, Lebanon – Directorate of Books and Libraries, Ministry of Culture, Portugal – Erdem Publishing and Kalem Agency, Turkey – Estonian Literature Centre (ELIC), Estonia – Greek Publishers’ Association, Greece – Korean Publishers Association, Korea – Kreativini Centar, Serbia – Kanoon Institute, Iran – Otava Publishing, Finland – Ministry of Culture and National Patrimony, Romania – Svet knihy / Prague Book Fair, Czech Republic
The ĦARBA festival is being organised in cooperation with Literature Across Frontiers and with support from the Culture programme of the European Union, British Council, Direcção-Geral do Livro e das Bibliotecas, Ministério da Cultura, Portugal, and Institut Ramon Llull
poster iddisinjat minn Darren Tanti – logo ta’ Pierre Portelli
Bħalissa, fiċ-Ċentru għall-Kreattività tal-Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu, fil-Belt Valletta qed isir il-Festival Internazzjonali tal-Letteratura għat-Tfal bl-isem ta’“Ħarba”, organizzat minn Inizjamed flimkien mal-Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu u bl-għajnuna tal-Fond Malti għall-Arti.
L-attivitajiet bdew nhar l-Erbgħa, 21 ta’ April u jibqgħu sejrin sal-Ħadd, 25 ta’ April 2010 mill-10.00 am sas-6.00 pm. Fil-programm hemm attivitajiet għat-tfal ta’ diversi etajiet, għall-artisti, il-kittieba u l-pubblikaturi u għall-pubbliku inġenerali. Id-dħul għall-attivitajiet kollha huwa b’xejn.
Il-kittieba mistiedna jinkludu lil Clare Azzopardi, Simon Bartolo, Rita Borg, Charles Casha, Carmel G. Cauchi, Madeleine Dargue, Lluis Farré, Victor Fenech, Adrian Grima, Neal Hoskins, André Letria, Mary Rose Pace, Ġorġ Peresso, Rita Saliba, Lauren St John, Ed Vere u Trevor Żahra. Ġew mistiedna wkoll artisti u illustraturi tal-kotba tat-tfal li ttrasformaw il-Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu f’ Ħarba sħiħa, fosthom Katya Borg u l-istudenti tal-arti tal-MCAST, Nicole Diacono, Pierre Portelli, Mark Scicluna, Darren Tanti u Raphael Vella..
Mijiet ta’ studenti mill-iskejjel primarji u sekondarji ħadu sehem fi tliet sessjonijiet interattivi matul in-nofs ta’ nhari ta’ filgħodu. Ġie ppreżentat id-dramm Ix-Xini Msaħħar imnebbaħ minn ħrafa Russa bid-direzzjoni ta’ Paul Portelli u bis-sehem ta’ atturi-għalliema mid-Drama Unit. Il-kompożitur u mużiċist Alex Vella Gregory u l-awtur Trevor Żahra ppreżentaw programm bl-isem ta’ Radju Paroli, waqt li t-tfal kitbu u pinġew huma stess flimkien ma’ bosta awturi u artisti, fosthom Adrian Grima, Nicole Diacono, Rita Saliba, Rita Borg, u Madeiline Dargue. Il-Ħamis filgħaxija saret serata nostalġika għal dawk li trabbew bil-kotba tal-Ġabra ta’ Ward li kien ħareġ E.B. Vella fis-snin tletin, bis-sehem ta’ Marlene Abela, Victor Fenech, Sergio Grech, George Cassar, u Ġorġ Peresso.
Għas-Sibt, 24 ta’ April bejn l-10 u l-11 ta’ filgħodu hemm laqgħa għat-tfal (età 9-12-il sena) mal-awtriċi Lauren St John. Wara jkun hemm sessjoni ta’ qari u kitba. Imbagħad fil-11.30 am tibda sessjoni oħra għat-tfal (età 6-8 snin) li se jiltaqgħu mal-illustratur tal-kotba Ed Vere, li aktar tard mit-3 sal-5 pm se jagħti taħdita fuq l-illustrazzjoni tal-kotba għall-kbar. Fl-istess jum, jiġifieri s-Sibt, 24 ta’ April, mill-5 pm ’il quddiem isiru intervisti lil Charles Casha, Carmel G. Cauchi u Trevor Żahra – attività oħra maħsuba għat-tfal (età 6-10 snin). Waqt li t-tfal ikunu qed isegwu dawn l-intervisti, għall-kbar hemm it-taħdita, “Il-Letteratura tat-Tfal fl-Immaġinazzjoni Diġitali” ma’ Neal Hoskins, pubblikatur Ingliż.
Nhar il-Ħadd, 25 ta’ April 2010, mill-10.00 sal-11.00 am il-pubbliku huwa mistieden jiltaqa’ mill-ġdid ma’ Lauren St John li se titkellem fuq il-proċess tal-kitba tagħha (għall-kbar). Fil-11.00 am ikun hemm “Il-ktieb favorit tiegħi – tirrakkonta int jew jien?” għat-tfal (età 8-12-il sena). Tfal iżgħar (età 5-8 snin) mill-10.00 sal-11.00 am se jkun jistgħu jiltaqgħu mal-awtur Portugiż André Letria u mal-awtur Lluís Farré Estrada mill-Katalonja, Spanja, flimkien mal-karattri li ħolqu fl-istejjer tagħhom. Wara nofsinhar, fit-3.00 pm, André Letria u Lluis Farré għandhom taħdita għall-kbar dwar il-proċess tal-kitba tagħhom. Fl-4.00 pm it-tfal jistgħu jqattgħu siegħa jpinġu ma’ Mark Scicluna (età 5-10 snin) jew jiltaqgħu għal sessjoni ta’ kitba mal-awturi Adrian Grima u Rita Saliba (età 9-12-il sena). Mill-5.00 pm ’il quddiem il-pubbliku jista’ jgawdi ftit mużika u poeżija ma’ Alex Vella Gregory u Trevor Żahra.
Matul il-ġranet tas-Sibt u l-Ħadd it-tfal jistgħu “jintilfu” jaqraw qalb il-ħafna kotba li hemm għall-wiri fl-atrijum u jistgħu jwaħħlu man-notice boards dak li jkunu kitbu u pinġew. Kull meta ddoqq il-qanpiena jkun ifisser li se tibda avventura ġdida. Aħrab ħarba sal-Kavallier San Ġakbu u tinsiex tieħu t-tfal miegħek!
Għenu wkoll fl-organizzazzjoni tal-Festival ĦARBA Literature Across Frontiers, il-programm Kultura tal-Unjoni Ewropea, il-Ministério da Cultura tal-Portugall, Institut Ramon Llull, The British Council, Merlin Library, il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb, MCAST u l-Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi Edukattivi. Il-koordinazzjoni hija ta’ Clare Azzopardi megħjuna minn Darren Tanti.
Għal aktar tagħrif żur: http://www.inizjamed.org
The Sunday Times interviews Clare Azzopardi about ĦARBA
parts of this interview by Peter Farrugia were published on Sunday, 9 May, 2010
- What is the main aim behind this festival, what does it hope to achieve within the Maltese literary community?Well, our main aim in organising this festival was to give children the opportunity to have a close encounter with the Book, that is, with books that are written and illustrated especially for them. And that meant casting the net pretty widely, to encompass not just literature, but also illustration; not just the act of reading a book, but also the pleasure of leafing through it (even if it’s in a language you don’t understand) and appreciating its beauty as a physical object. Hence the encounters with authors, the readings, the displays of books from all over the world. And we also wanted to give children a taste of the pleasure of writing — there were writing workshops which really went down very well. In the case of Ħarba, the international dimension was very important. As far as children’s literature is concerned, in addition to Malta’s own scene, which is developing fast, we have a tendency to focus mainly on Anglo-Saxon literature, that is, books published in the UK or the USA. There is nothing wrong with that, but we also wanted to bring authors from other European countries, such as Spain and Portugal, not to mention books published in places as far removed as Iran, Lebanon and Romania. Books from such places have a different quality, a different aesthetic, and the idea was to inculcate a greater awareness of the enormous diversity that’s out there.2. How was the attendance at this year’s festival? Compared to previous years?This was the first festival of its kind in Malta. I must say attendance was pretty good throughout, especially for the 4-9 age bracket. It seems that parents at this age are very willing to buy their children books and take them to these events. I got the impression that this tendency diminishes as the kids grow older. But the festival also included sessions for adults. For example, there were workshops and seminars with publishers and authors involved in various aspects of the production of children’s books. These were primarily intended for local writers and artists, publishers, teachers and students at tertiary level. Unfortunately, I got the impression that students didn’t attend these sessions in significant numbers, which is surprising, considering that there are so many students studying literature, design, art, digital media, primary school education and related subjects.
3. What is the Maltese attitude towards literature, specifically children’s lit – how can this situation be improved, expanded, explored.
I think the Maltese attitude towards literature for kids is still relatively averse to taking risks. For example, people might not be so willing to buy their children books by authors they’ve never heard of, or from countries and cultures they’re not familiar with. There’s also a tendency to always want to go for cheap books. I suppose part of the reason is the awareness that kids might not treat their books very well, but then again, some books are true objets d’art for which one must be prepared to pay a little more. Buying such books can be rewarding, not least because one can be exposed to something of immense beauty, both in terms of literary content and in terms of the illustrations.
4. What are current trends and themes within contemporary children’s fiction in Europe and farther afield?
It is difficult to identify a single trend or theme. A lot depends on where a book comes from. For example, books in continental Europe display an enormous variety of themes and artistic trends. On the other hand, there are also things that remain staple features of children’s fiction across the board. One of these is animal characters — typically talking animals — who display a range of human features. One trend that is identifiable in contemporary children’s lit is an abandonment of the traditional, didactic, “safe” model, in favour of books which are weird, dark, surreal and so on. For example, the kinds of books published by WingedChariot Press — whose owner gave a seminar during the Ħarba festival — are all books in translation written by authors from non-English-speaking countries. And they all display these trends. A good example is a book called “When we lived in Uncle’s hat” by Peter Stamm and Jutta Bauer (WingedChariot, 2006), which narrates the story of a family that moves from one place to another continuously, and for the most bizarre reasons. The places they live in aren’t really your everyday idea of “places to live” either. For instance, after living under water for a while, they move house again: “My brother saw four eels. Grandpa did three somersaults. Mother found two pearls. But father couldn’t see anything underwater. So … we moved into Uncle’s hat.”
5. The festival included a lot of practical activities for kids; is that important, coming to a new generation of readers?
Yes, there were lots of activities, from writing workshops to silent reading sessions and discussions of their favourite books. I think these are crucial. For one thing, it gives children a sense of ownership of their literature. Writing their own piece, or drawing their own illustrations or responses to books, really make them own the work.
6. What are distinctive elements in Maltese children’s lit?
This is a difficult question. Maltese children’s literature is still finding its feet, I think. There’s rather a lot of didactic and moralistic stuff around. On the other hand, there is lots of new writing which contains real novelty; there are writers who have been and still are doing new things. This is something one would hope to see more of.
7. Who were some of the guests whose contributions to the festival left a lasting impression.
There were many guests who left a lasting impression. For example, the Drama Unit’s theatrical piece was a real hit. Rita Saliba’s writing workshop was a great success, as was Adrian Grima’s. We had a couple of sessions where we Skyped authors who couldn’t make it because of the volcano ash cloud: both Lauren St John and Simon Bartolo went down a treat, even as “virtual” presences. Alex Vella Gregory and Trevor Zahra teamed up to produce a fantastic night, with Trevor’s writings set to original music. And then there were some of the foreign guests who were physically present. I think Ed Vere (UK), Andre Letria (Portugal) and Lluis Farre (Catalonia) brought something new with them, which touched a lot of people.
8. Are we going through a renaissance in Maltese literature? Why?
“Renaissance” is a big word. Let’s say that there’s change in the air. There is new writing and it’s good writing. There are publishers who are increasingly willing to invest in new writers, in new ideas, in better quality production. That’s true of adult as well as children’s lit, although there remains a tendency for our market to be flooded by low-quality, substandard stuff. Some new ideas, like the digital books that Neal Hoskins of WingedChariot introduced during his seminar on “Children’s literature and Digital Imagination”, remain somewhat distant from our scene, for now at least. An important dimension has to do with money. Many of our publishers are relatively small enterprises, and this imposes substantial restrictions on what they can afford to do. Subsidies to help them break new ground would be very welcome.
I think this festival, that was funded by The Malta Arts Fund, St James Cavalier and Literature Across Frontiers, should become a regular event, either yearly or biennially, and should be something that finds its place on the diary of organisations such as the Arts Council.