Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
Category: <span>Festivals</span>

Grazzi / Thank You! #FMLM2023

Grazzi kbira wisq lill-parteċipanti u lil dawk kollha li ħadmu qatigħ biex il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta jkun dak li hu. / Profound thanks go out to our guests and participants, and all those who worked so hard to make the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival what it was, what it is, and what we want it to keep on being.

Linja Ħamra – 1 u 2 ta’ April 2023

L-ewwel edizzjoni tal-Festival tal-Letteratura Għawdxi, organizzat mill-Kunsill Reġjonali t’Għawdex u minn Inizjamed, se jsir nhar is-Sibt l-1 u l-Ħadd it-2 ta’ April 2023. Il-qari se jseħħ f’diversi lokalitajiet madwar Għawdex. / The first edition of the Gozo Literature Festival, organised by the Gozo Regional Council and Inizjamed, will be held on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 April 2023. Readings will be held in different locations around Gozo.

Linja Ħamra 2023 – Il-Programm

L-ewwel edizzjoni tal-Festival tal-Letteratura Għawdxi, organizzat mill-Kunsill Reġjonali t’Għawdex u minn Inizjamed, se jsir nhar is-Sibt l-1 u l-Ħadd it-2 ta’ April 2023. Il-qari se jseħħ f’diversi lokalitajiet madwar Għawdex. / The first edition of the Gozo Literature Festival, organised by the Gozo Regional Council and Inizjamed, will be held on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 April 2023. Readings will be held in different locations around Gozo.

Grazzi / Thank You – 2022

Għaddiet kważi ġimgħa, imma seta’ kien seklu jew ilbieraħ… Grazzi mill-qalb! Mingħajrkom is-sbuħija li għexna kienet tibqa’ biss ħolma. / It’s been almost a week. But it could have been ages, or simply yesterday…. Thank you so much! Without you, the beauty we shared with you all would have remained but a dream.