Il-jiem tal-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta 2024 taru bħal ħolma mill-isbaħ. Grazzi lill-awturi, lil kull min għen b’kull mod, u lilkom għeżież membri tal-udjenza li tiġu sena wara l-oħra, u likom li ġejtu għall-ewwel darba, għax mingħajrkom ma jkunx hemm skop. Għas-sena d-dieħla!
The days of the 2024 Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival flew by as the best things tend to do. Heartfelt thanks to the authors, to all those who helped in various ways, and to you, dear members of the audience who visit us every year, and to those who made it for the first time, because without you there would be no point. See you next year!
Ritratti ta’ / Photos by Virginia Monteforte, Katelia (Katel Delia).

Inizjamed hi għaqda volontarja. Imma anke l-voluntiera jkollhom bżonn il-voluntiera. Mingħajr it-tant għeżież li jgħinuna, fosthom il-kumitat u l-membri tal-Għaqda tal-Malti – Università, il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta ma jkunx jista’ jittella’. Grazzi!
Inizjamed is a voluntary organisation. But even volunteers need other volunteers. Without the help of those who help us, in particular the committee and members of Għaqda tal-Malti – Università, the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival wouldn’t happen. Thank you!
Ritratti ta’ / Photos by Virginia Monteforte, Klara Vassallo

Għexna żmien mill-isbaħ, b’kull mod. Mill-attivitajiet kollha, għall-workshop tat-traduzzjoni, għall-iljieli ewlenin. Ma konniex nagħmlu hekk mingħajr l-għajnuna kbira ta’ dawn l-entitajiet: MCAST, APS Bank, Arts Council Malta, Versopolis, Ulysses’ Shelter 3, La Rotta dei Fenici, il-Valletta Design Cluster, il-Valletta Cultural Agency, u l-Għaqda tal-Malti – Università. Magħhom ukoll: il-Castille Hotel, Royal Travel, Knight Music Ltd, u b’mod partikolari lil Katelia (Katel Delia) u Virginia Monteforte.
This last month brought too many good things. From the various activities, to the translation workshop, to the principal evenings. We would not have been able to organise any of these without the help of the following: MCAST, APS Bank, Arts Council Malta, Versopolis, Ulysses’ Shelter 3, La Rotta dei Fenici, Valletta Design Cluster, Valletta Cultural Agency, and Għaqda tal-Malti – Università. We also greatly appreciate the assistance of: Hotel Castille, Royal Travel, Knight Music Ltd, and especially Katelia (Katel Delia) and Virginia Monteforte.