Bħalissa, bejn is-7 u t-8 ta’ Lulju 2022, Claudia Gauci u Jean Paul Borg, tnejn mill-iktar membri attivi u anzjani fi ħdan Inizjamed, qegħdin f’Zagreb, fil-Kroazja, biex jiltaqgħu ma’ sħabna tal-proġett Ulysses’ Shelter: Literary Residency u tal-Literature Across Frontiers, waqt il-Lit link festival 2022.
Claudia Gauci and Jean Paul Borg, two of the more active and longer-standing members of Inizjamed, are currently in Zagreb, Croatia, for meetings with our colleagues from the Ulysses’ Shelter: Literary Residency project, and from Literature Across Frontiers, during the Lit link festival 2022.
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