Inizjamed Blue White@0.5x

Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
Annie Ernaux: Matul is-Snin – 2 ta’ Marzu 2023

Annie Ernaux: Matul is-Snin – 2 ta’ Marzu 2023

Annie Ernaux Cover photo 1200x628px

Annie Ernaux ma teħtieġx introduzzjonijiet imma li kieku kellna nintroduċuha biżżejjed ngħidu li hija l-aħħar rebbieħa tal-Premju Nobel għal-Letteratura (2022). Ġeneralment, hija tikteb minn punt ta’ tluq soċjali u awtobijografiku sabiex tistħarreġ ir-realajiet tal-ġenerazzjoni tagħha u tagħha nifsha, u ta’ nisa oħra. F’din l-attività se nisimgħu qari minn kitbietha bil-Franċiż u bil-Malti, uħud minnhom tradotti speċifikament għal din l-okkażjoni.

Din l-attività qed tittella’ minn Inizjamed f’kollaborazzjoni mad-Dipartimenti tat-Traduzzjoni u tal-Franċiż fil-Fakultà tal-Arti, l-UM, u bl-appoġġ tal-Ambaxxata Franċiża.

Il-Ħamis 2 ta’ Marzu 2023, fis-7pm, il-Valletta Design Cluster, il-Belt.


Annie Ernaux needs no introduction; suffice it to say that she is the latest recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature (2022). Her writings generally have a social and autobiographical starting point and explore her realities as well as those of women and others of her generation. During this event we will listen to readings in both French and Maltese, some texts having been translated specifically for this evening.

The participants are Anthony Aquilina, Claudine Borg, Katel Delia, Claudia Gauci, Marilyn Mallia, and Nadia Mifsud. This event is being organized by Inizjamed in collaboration with the Departments of Translation and French within the Faculty of Arts, UM, with the support of the French Embassy.

On Thursday 2 March, 2023, at 7pm, at the Valletta Design Cluster, Valletta.
